Jake Gyllenhaal:Prince of Persia Workout
Most people are familiar that the movie The Prince of Persia starring Jake Gyllenhaal will be coming out soon. ?What most guys do not know is how ripped he is and his secret workout. ?You would not picture Jake this ripped and cut, especially if you have seen him in some of his older movies. ?If you look at the trailer or photos of the movie, you will see that Jake has the six pack, the cut arms, and the veins popping out everywhere. ?Well just like all of the other actor’s workouts, we will give you the secret to his success.
Set in medieval Persia, the story of an adventurous prince who teams up with a rival princess to stop an angry ruler from unleashing a sandstorm that could destroy the world. Which is why after the prince was tricked by a dying Vizier to unleash the Sands of Time that turns out to destroy a kingdom and transforms its populace into ferocious demons. In his effort to save his own kingdom and redeem his fatal mistake, it’s up to the prince and the princess to return the sands to the hourglass by using the Dagger of Time, which also gives him a limited control over the flow of time.
The movie stars Jake Gyllenhaal as he plays the role of Prince Dastan. ?The movie is set to be released in theaters on May 28, 2010.
Here is the daily regimen that Jake’s fitness trainer made for him. ?It includes an outline of his workouts and what he ate.? *REMEMBER TO PAY ATTENTION TO HIS DIET
5.30am: Pre-workout snack: half a banana, some nuts and an espresso.
6am: An hour-and-a-half cardio outdoors workout while wearing a 20lb flak jacket to simulate the weight of armour. Interval training – 10min uphill sprint, followed by abs exercises, e.g.: sit-ups, at the top of the hill. Repeat sequence five times, then a 10min run, followed by stretching exercises.
7.30am: An egg-white omelette, a small protein shake and an isotonic drink to replenish salts lost during training.
Lunch: Baked potato with tuna and salad.
6-7pm: An hour of resistance training using cables to simulate sword fights, pull-ups, press-ups, abs exercises using weights; finish with stretching.
7-8pm: An hour-long deep tissue massage
Dinner: Soup and a protein shake
Snacks/supplements: Two litres of water, protein bars, dark chocolate, supplements rich in omega-3, 6 and 9. No foods containing refined sugar, occasional glass of wine allowed.
9pm-midnight: Relax and recover
Here is the workout Jake followed. ?Look at the pictures and you will see how well it worked.
Do this routine once a week for 8 weeks and make sure to include 1-2 rest days a week. Attempt 3 sets of 10-12 reps or 4 sets 6-8 reps with heavy weights (first set is a warm-up set) if you want to match Jake?s level of muscle mass. To simulate sword fights Jake?s workout was heavily focused on using cables along with body-weight exercises.
Day 1:
Seated Cable Rows
Cable Barbell Curls
Pull Ups
Cable Hammer Curls with Rope
Cable Flyes
Cable One Arm Triceps Extension
Cable Crossover
Cable Triceps Extension Low Cable
Push Ups
Day 2/4: Cardio & Core
High Intensity Interval Training?for 30 minutes including 10min uphill sprint (elevation of 5.0 on treadmill).
Followed by?
An abdominal workout. (USE THE P90x or any workout you like)
Day 3:
Bent Over Low-Pulley Lateral Extensions
Barbell Lunges
Hanstand Push Ups
One Leg Barbell Squats
Front Cable Raises
Plie Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Step Ups
Day 6:
Repeat either Day 1 or Day 3
The actual weights could not be found. ?So start with light weights and keep increasing them at a reasonable pace.
This workout contains a lot of different?maneuvers. ?Jake needed to be big as well as cut for this movie, therefore there is a lot of cardio as well as lifting. ?This workout gave Jake incredible results and if you follow the workouts and EAT HEALTHY, the results should show for you. ?Remember, the harder you work the better results you will see. ?Get the arms and the six pack all the girls dream of rubbing up against!
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About Cliff Englewood Cliff goes to MSU and is TSB Magazine resident "College Life" contributor with tips and advice to get the most out of your time in college.