3 YouTube Videos That Will Improve Your Dating Life
1. Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Don’t spend all your time worrying about the words you say while neglecting everything your body communicates.
In addition to the points the speaker makes, you should familiarize yourself with Professor Albert Mehrabian’s communication research. It states that, during conversation, your feelings and attitudes are 55 percent revealed by your facial expressions, 38 percent by the tone of your voice and 7 percent by the words you use.
So familiarize yourself with the subtleties of body language, and pay attention to your voice when you speak. Too many men make timid first impressions by articulating their words quietly and rapidly.
2. Asking 200 Girls For Sex (Social Experiment)
There are a few variations of this “social experiment” on YouTube. In this one, a guy approaches 200 women and asks them, sometimes after some brief small talk, if they want to have sex with him.
Only one out of 200 women said yes (excluding the prostitute at the very end). The lesson, however, lies in the reactions he gets. The media, especially in movies and television shows, portrays women who don’t hesitate to slap, throw drinks or otherwise act in ostentatious outrage at any man whose approach pushes the boundaries of decorum.
But the women in this video, particularly the 198 who said no to the offer of sex with a stranger, mostly either laugh or discreetly blow off and walk away from the guy who asks.
I’m not advocating walking up to women on the street and asking them if they’d like to have sex with you, but this video makes the point that rejection is usually discreet – even if you use an opener as outrageous as the one in the video – as opposed to the type of shameful, embarrassing moment that so many men seem to fear.
3. Adam Lyons Qualification
Dating advice for men doesn’t focus enough on how to attract women you’re compatible with. You don’t have to seduce everything in a skirt that crosses your path to get the results you want.
British-born and U.S.-based dating coach Adam Lyons, in this speech he gave at the 2011 21 Convention, discusses in depth how you can cultivate an image of the type of women you want to meet so you can refine your efforts to meet them accordingly.
By the way, these days Adam lives with two girlfriends in greater Los Angeles, and from time to time the three of them go out and pick up additional women, according to this New York Daily News article. It’s hard to find a dating coach whose love life consists of anything more than going out to bars chasing women night after night, so Adam is one of the few worth listening to.
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About Jordan Murray Jordan is a journalist who has written extensively about dating and lifestyle for multiple publications.