How To Get Women Chasing YOU
Some guys just seem to have multiple women chasing them? all the time.
For these guys, they don?t even have to think about getting women interested in them. They don?t worry about it- they probably aren?t even really trying, and from the outside looking in, that can be extremely frustrating.
When?you?re stuck being rejected by girls in bars, or always finding yourself being attracted to girls who don?t feel the same way back, perhaps falling into the friend-zone all too often, it can feel like you?re on something of a hamster wheel.
So why is that while you?re fighting an uphill battle to get girls interested in you, some guys have no trouble at all getting women to chase them?
It?s because these guys are the decider.
Traditionally speaking, women are the deciders when it comes to any kind of romantic relationship.
It?s what?s been drilled into our heads from an early age. We read about it in stories, we see it in movies and on TV.
We?re taught that it?s a man?s job to win over a women?s affection, like some kind of mating ritual that would be better suited for a nature documentary than the world we live in today.
But the truth is that women what to romanticize the idea of being with a certain guy, they want to be lusted after, but they also want somebody who they question if they can have or not.
They want to earn your attention, instead of just being pandered to.
So what these guys have done is made a decision (whether they know it or not) to flip the?script and be the one that women chase, rather than the ones doing the chasing.
?Okay, fine.? I hear you say, ?But how do you do that? Surely it?s not as easy as just making a decision.?
Well, it is and it isn?t.
There?s a sort of Zen to becoming the decider, which is why these guys who don?t even realize that they?re doing it, are so damn good at it.
If you?re flaunting yourself, actively trying let people know that you?re the decider, you?ll get the exact same result as when you were just flat out chasing girls.
You?re like a hunter with no camouflage. Women know what you?re trying to do, and they won?t think you?re attractive, they?ll think you?re a douchebag.
So to blend in and truly turn yourself into the decider, you need to adopt two key?principles for your life- and hold them completely true for yourself.
When you put these two elements together, they become like an alpha male cocktail (try saying that 10 times fast).
Remember how I said that women want you to be somebody whose attention they can earn?
What you need to have is other interests, particularly in improving your life.
When you?re working towards a goal- when you?re the kind of guy who sets his mind to something and then legitimately goes after it, women want your attention.
The key here, however, is to not let women engulf your entire life. Your career, your hobbies, your passions in life, all still need to be important to you.
Having ambition is the difference between earning attention and begging for it.
Equally important to ambition, is your integrity.
Your pride, your principles, your standards, what you believe in; your internal confidence and strength.
A lot of people might confuse ambition with needing to get rich, but that?s not accurate.
I know plenty of guys who are roofers, electricians?and mechanics. That?s all they ever want to be, and there?s nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
Their ambitions in life are simple. Buy a new car every few years, buy a house, maybe travel, maybe own their own business one day.
Nothing crazy. They’re regular people, with realistic goals.
But these guys have no problem getting with beautiful women.
And it?s because they have integrity. They don?t lower their standards or compromise on themselves.
They truly believe that they deserve to be with beautiful women.
There?s certainly a ?fake it until you feel it? aspect to that. However there?s also a bigger truth which is that you create your own worth.
Women will value you as highly as you value yourself.
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Getting Girls
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About David Maitland David Maitland is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada.