How To Groom For Game

The first impression a girl has of you is incredibly important.

How you?re perceived creates an initial attraction that?puts you immediately on a path to hooking up.

Perception is huge, and before you even open your mouth, a girl has judged you. A lot.

Part of it is how you act in a situation; how you carry yourself. But a big part of it is also how?you look; how you?re put together.

Not to mention that when you look good, you feel good. That confidence is a visible and magnetic thing.

When it comes to putting your best foot forward, most guys completely screw it up.

They tend to either do too little or too much.

Too little is bad. If you?re not groomed, unkempt and still dressing like a high school junior at a kegger, you?ll come off as immature.

Self-confident women do not have time for immature guys.

Adversely, if you look like a completely metro, over-groomed try-hard, girls get wise to your act. If you look like you?ve assembled yourself for the soul purpose of getting laid, you come off as insincere, and thus insecure.

If you look like you?re trying too hard, girls assume that you need to try hard, because you don?t get a lot of girls. And if you look like you don?t get a lot of girls, girls start to wonder what?s wrong with you.

These days, it can almost be more difficult to not get carried away with the ladder rather than the former.

Men are bombarded with almost as much media as women, promoting products to make you more attractive.

The truth is, however, that it doesn?t take a lot of money or a lot of time to make yourself more attractive than most, without over doing it.

Here are some quick, easy and inexpensive ways to groom for game.


A fresh haircut.

You don?t need to get a haircut every week. I think that?s just some bullshit thing that The Jersey Shore popularized.

Don?t take your grooming advice from debunked MTV shows.

That being said, getting a fresh cut every 4 -6 weeks will do wonders for your game.

Ask any girl, the first thing so many of them judge a guy on is their hair.

So keeping it groomed and kempt with a contemporary and mature cut should be high on your priority list.

You don?t need to break the bank on a super fancy salon. If you go regularly enough, any barber worth their salt should be able to do a fine job.


Groomed facial hair.

The next thing women will look?at after the hair on your head, is the hair on your face.

The good news? Beards, and the whole ?5 o?clock? shadow look are totally in.

And most women love a little bit of scruff on your face. Even if they won?t admit to it.

Growing facial hair is viewed as a masculine quality, because it?s exclusive to men.

And just like how you?re attracted to the feminine qualities in a woman, so to are women attracted to the masculine qualities you project.

However, they don?t want you to look like you’re homeless.

They still want you to look groomed, put together and equitable.

For keeping your face mane in check, try picking up a simple trimmer or?styler.

I prefer a $25 Gillette Styler, because it?s relatively inexpensive, has a few different settings to let you mess around with beard lengths and generally just does a hell of a job.

However Gillette isn?t paying me any money, so I can?t tell you to not shop around a bit.



Buy good cologne like an adult male, and not body spray like a prepubescent track star.

Now, a lot of women these days claim that they don?t actually like the smell of cologne, and I only half believe them.

I don’t believe them, because I?ve always had women comment on good and sexy I smell with cologne on (especially while in close quarters), but I believe them a little too, because too much fragrance on anyone is off putting.

The key is to not bathe yourself in cologne. A tiny dab on each wrist, as well as the front and back of your neck should do the trick.

If you can smell yourself while on?your way out the door, you?ve gone too far.

What you want to create is the illusion that that?s how your skin smells.

Trust me on that last bit. It drives women wild?and gets them addicted to being close to you.



Well, here we are; the part nobody likes to talk about.

Now, you probably don?t need to wax your chest or back to look like some greased up male model, unless you?re overtly hairy.

General man-hair doesn?t turn girls off.?A regular amount falls under the masculine category.

The fact of the matter is, girls are fine with, and in some cases even really like, hair on a guy’s body.

That is, everywhere but your pubic area.

So, you gotta man-scape.

What’s the rule for?hair removal? If it’s anywhere you expect or want her mouth to get near, you better clean it up.

Gripe and groan if you want to, but this quick and simple grooming tactic can really turn things around in the bedroom, especially in the oral sex department.

Should you really need more motivation than that?

Here is another article related to the subject:?


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About David Maitland David Maitland is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada.

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