Scrawny to Sexy: Workout Tips for Taller Men
Being a tall man is fantastic on the surface. It?s difficult to meet a guy anywhere who will tell you that he?d rather be short than tall. However, the problem arises when those taller men are so skinny that they end up looking long and lanky, instead of lean and fit. If you really want to make the most out of your body as a taller man, then you need to avoid looking like a beanstalk, and pack some extra muscle onto your frame.
With that in mind, here are some tips for turning scrawny into sexy, and gangly into stunning.
1. Be as Consistent as
Working out is great for improving your body, but it can only really start to make a profound difference if you are dedicated to your regimen. Getting into the habit is essential, as beating yourself to a pulp in the gym every week for three months and then stopping entirely is not going to give you the long-term benefits you want.
Your aim should be to make fitness a part of your everyday lifestyle. The journey and process of getting more muscular and healthier can be challenging from time to time, but if you really want to see the results, you need to find a way of keeping yourself motivated. Set goals, measure your results, and make sure that you?re consistent.
2. Train Like You?re a Body Builder
You don?t have to oil up your muscles, or look ridiculously buff, but bodybuilders generally know what they?re doing when it comes to developing muscle. It?s easy to get caught up in ideas for weird programs that claim to help you build ?lean muscles? for your body-type, but the truth is that muscles aren?t really that clever. Look into the sort of exercises that body builders do on a regular basis and learn from the best.
Usually, this means lifting heavy weights, going hard with your workouts and using big exercises such as bench-presses, deadlifts, and squats.
3. Eat When You need To
If you?re already skinny, then the chances are you have a pretty high metabolism, which is going to require more fuel to begin with. If you combine that with your new routine of working out three, four, or five times a week, you?re going to need a lot of energy.
Instead of sticking to three big meals a day, try having small meals when you?re hungry, and focus on getting a lot of water and protein. After that, you can start to build your carbs and protein and end your day with a focus on slowly-digesting foods for the night.
Remember, water is crucial all through the day ? dehydration is one of the largest factors that prevent people from progressing when it comes to building muscle. Remember, water is the fuel that your body is made up of, and it?s going to need a lot more than you might think.
4. Be Careful not to Injure Yourself
Using your body?s full range of motion can be a prolific principle, but when you?re tall, it can end up putting too much strain on the joints. Going too deep in your squats can damage your knees, and if you go too far with a deadlift, you?ll end up hurting your back. Because you are tall, you?ll need to listen to your body more carefully, and decide when the right time is to end the movement.
5. Train Often, but not for too Long
A great rule of thumb for building muscle as a taller person is to think about reducing your workout periods to somewhere between forty-five minutes and an hour. After that time has passed, different levels in your body will have started to rise, which aren?t going to give you a lot of benefits if you start pushing against them. Try to get the work done effectively, and hit the gym three or four times a week.
A fabulous way to limit the amount of time that you spend working out is to know what you want to get done before you walk through the front door. Have your workout pre-planned in your mind, and remember to keep your rest periods and watch the clock.
About Benjamin Roussey Benjamin is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master’s degrees and served four years in the US Navy. He enjoys sports, movies, reading, and current events when he is not working online.