How This Simple 15-minute Trick Can Reduce Chocolate Cravings
Chocolate is a guilty pleasure for lots of us in times of stress. The temptation can feel impossible to resist and this easily available sweet quickly destroys diet plans within a few chunks.
This is where we divert you attentions over to Huffington Post, which has some interesting research that looked at our sugary snack urges. Studies at the University of Innsbruck in Austria showed that taking a short walk can actually reduce our temptation for unhealthy treats; even in those people who are under pressure from work or overweight. Check out what leading researcher Larissa Ledochowski had to say down below:
?Once they arrived at the laboratory, they were assigned to one of two groups. Half took a 15-minute brisk walk on a treadmill (they were told to walk briskly but not breathlessly), while the others sat quietly for that same period of time. All returned to the lab on another day within a week of their first visit and were assigned to the other group.
After sitting quietly for five minutes (or five more minutes, for those in the passive group), participants completed a Stroop test, in which a series of letters that spell out one color (say, blue) are presented in a different color (say, red).
The findings of this study support the idea that a single bout of exercise can reduce cue- or stress-related cravings,” they conclude.
So remember the next time you feel your stress levels rising, get yourself outside and go for a walk. Obesity is obviously a complex problem which has developed into modern day society, but reducing cravings is surely part of the solution. Studies like this show that we?re moving in the right direction to?defeating?it.
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About Matt Lawson Matt Lawson is a UK based sports journalist who covers all the latest football (soccer) news and matches for the Press Association. A keen Newcastle United fan, Matt is usually found either watching or playing the beautiful game.