The ABCs of Mindful Living: Authenticity, Balance, and Compassion
If you haven’t heard of mindfulness yet, it’s time to do some research. There are a number of different views as to what the exact definition is — In it’s simplest terms it to be aware of the moment you’re in, the environment around you and the thought and feelings in you. Other people say that it’s about focusing on something, like your breath, what you’re eating, how the floor feels against your feet. Some says it’s a form of meditation, others a way of being. Whatever definition you end up going for, there remains two important core features — It’s about being in the present moment, and it has a great deal of benefits.
Science has shown that being mindful, or practicing the meditation form, can help improve your ability to focus, relieve stress and anxiety, reduce the susceptibility to strokes, and can help keep you from the effects of aging. No wonder then, that this tradition rooted in long-standing forms of Buddhism is starting to explode across the world, from everyday young people to corporate business moguls. Even Google hired their own mindfulness teacher, Chade-Meng Tan, who’s job description is “to enlighten minds, open hearts and create world peace.”
Now, Ira Israel has written a Huffington Post piece about the ABCs of mindful living, so you too can live a more present, stress-free form of life.
B. Balance.?
Robert Reich in “Supercapitalism” reports that most Americans do not use the meager one or two weeks of vacation time they are allowed for fear of losing their jobs. With the exception of Tim Ferris and people who subscribe to his “4 Hour Work Week,” most Americans get their personal identity and senses of self and purpose through their jobs; thus they feel as if the more hours they dedicate per week to work entitles them to bragging rights – as if any sane person ever wanted “Worked Really Hard” or “Was Crazybusy” on his or her tombstone.
I think, in this age of productivity, mindful living can help us all learn to relax, to take in what’s most important and not get hung up on trivial anxiety-inducing things. Read the rest of the article for all of Ira’s points.
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About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.