Going Grey Early? Here’s What You Need to Know
Getting hair is certainly not the most thrilling part of getting older, but it isn’t the worst part either. For people who start to a little prematurely however the uncharted territory can?seem a little dramatic. You can blame your family for that, since most of ing is genetic. Here are some things to know.
If you start to notice just a couple hairs pop up here and there it can be tempting to pluck them and remedy the situation, but you should avoid this at all costs. You might have heard that if you pluck a hair three more will grow back in its place. That’s totally bull, but what plucking repeatedly from the same follicle does do is cause a type of alopecia from the scarring to the follicle. When alopecia sets in, the follicle will stop producing hair. You don’t want to create baldness along with your ness do you? Okay so maybe plucking one hair once won’t cause an issue but don’t make it a habit.
It’s unlikely that you’re severely deficient in many nutrients with hair as the first sign, but it can happen. Missing certain nutrients can cut down on melanin production which you need to keep the color in your hair. So what do you need? Protein, vitamin B-12, and the amino acid?phenylalanine.
Some would say that stress causing hair is totally a myth, but having stressors in the body can lead to ing. So sort of. Habits like smoking cigarettes puts stress on the skin and hair, so do too much of that and things can start to break down before they would of naturally. Bump up the antioxidants to help prevent any outside forces from wreaking havoc on your body and immune system.
So maybe spending your Saturday at the salon getting highlights wasn’t what you had in mind for the weekend, but coloring your hair can be an effective way to keep up with covered the if that’s the route that you want to take. All over color is generally the best way to cover them, but stick with the color closest to your natural shade otherwise you will have tell-tale roots showing as your hair starts to grow out.
It is possible to do this at home if you would prefer the privacy or convenience. There are plenty of non permanent hair wands that you can use, or try an ammonia-free non permanent color option that will wash out after a month or two and then you won’t have to do with the line of demarcation when the color grows out.
Hey some ladies are really into the , so don’t assume it’s necessarily an issue. The key to rocking hair is to get a great haircut and keep up with the rest of your grooming so you look put together and age appropriate.
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About Kate Ferguson Kate Fergus is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blogs and online magazines. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce.