Rogue Rules: Turning Blowouts Into Blowjobs
I remember it like it were yesterday…
The Scene: A very popular nightclub in Las Vegas.
The Girl: An extremely sexy woman in a short black dress and brilliantly shiny raven hair to match.
Her response to my ?Hey?: ??FUCK OFF, DOUCHEBAG! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!?
I don?t care if your confidence is as rock hard as the abs on an olympic gymnast… blowouts like that STING!
Which is exactly why I must remind myself from time to time?
Rogue Rule #44: ?One Vagina, One Vote!?
The night of my horrific blowout, I turned to the closest girl within earshot and approached her with ?What the fuck was THAT all about!???
She instantly started giggling… almost as much as she would be ?gaggling? on my cock less than 2 hours later.
Oh, and in case you?re wondering… as sexy as the 1st girl was, the 2nd was a BIG step up — Kinda glad I got blown out by Ms. Ravenhair in retrospect. Otherwise, I may never have had the chance to upgrade to Ms. Cumontits.
With this story in mind, I answer this week?s question from Jay Y. of Brentwood, CA:
?Hi Nick. My question is… What do you do when you get blown out with all your advances and then have to continue to walk past the hottie in your area. Isn’t it embarrassing to continue to run into someone after she has blown you out? ?Do you then blank her out or acknowledge her??
A fair question and there are two different categories in which I can imagine your situation:
If your situation falls into the first category, then I wouldn?t give 2 flying fucks if I see her again. I?d go about my business chasing other tail.
Admittedly, there?s a really hard feeling to shake; the absurd but ever-present notion that all the women in the room are psychically connected at the snatch? that they all know to just know to close their legs and shut you down after one girl has turned down your advances…
But this ISN?T true? Not by a long shot.
Frankly, if she rejects you or if the interaction begins to sour, you have absolutely NO obligation to continue…
Rogue Rule #217: ?Always feel free to leave on a low note?.
Do an ?about face? and approach the very next girl you see if things aren?t going the way you?d like? You?re out to hook up tonight and a large part of that means discovering the worthy, most likely candidates. Respect your own damn time and spend not a single second on any girl who?s going to waste it.
More likely, however, I think Jay is referring to someone he crosses paths with from time to time while going about his daily routine. As you can imagine, I have a rule for that too?
Rogue Rule #99: ?If you?re only meeting eyes from afar, you?re not even on her radar!?
It?s time to get over yourself. In the global scheme of things, you?re really no more important to her than some acne-scarred, double-chinned troll sucking down Double Whoppers like chiclets is to you.
? So don?t worry about her!
You just continue doing your thing and you?ll score a much hotter hottie.
But just the mere mention of this theme gets me a-thinking of a classic mistake would-be seducers make…
Rogue Rule #117: ?Wise man say, only fools rush in (… into every prospect of poon!)!?
Only the uncalibrated amateur takes unnecessary and reckless chances on women with whom he?ll have to interact in the future.
Noobs read ?The Game? or some other pickup guide, and start using crappy opinion openers and ?negging? bullshit on girls in their social circle? until they become that creepy guy no one wants to invite to anything.
Yes, ?that guy,? so make absolutely sure you?re not ?that guy.?
Granted, you gotta get your reps in, but do so in CONSEQUENCE-FREE ENVIRONMENTS — bars, clubs, during the day with girls outside your career and social circles — until you?ve honed your seduction chops. This will allow you to sidestep ?weirding out your friends, co-workers, AND that cute girl next door!
To contrast, the pro takes calculated and intentional risks only? because he?s calibrated enough to start raiding his and other social circles for the sweetest, prize tail?
So there you have it Jay — Go and do likewise, sir.
I?ll see you in next week?s installment of Rogue Rules entitled ?Sure Signs That Sex Has Been Secured!?
Get Some!
Nick Rogue
Your Personal Seduction Mentor
PS? Ever have one of those ?off nights? where you just can?t get fired up to approach women?
We all do!
Myself included…
That?s why I created the ?Conversation Ignition Sequence? so you can hit the scene fired up and ready to flirt the panties off of women even if you?re struggling to get your bitch-ass off the couch.
Just follow the 5 easy steps here and skirt-dissolving words will be a-flowin? from your lips.
Download Your ?Conversation Ignition Sequence? Guide By Clicking Here!
About Nick Rogue Nick Rogue is widely known for creating the world's fastest yet easiest seduction method that has allowed thousands of men go from "meet" to "mattress", "bar" to "bedroom", from "opening" to "closing" in just a few hours and often minutes. Nick would like you to consider him your "personal seduction mentor" so feel free to hop on over to and grab your guide that reveals one simple line you can say to any woman to get her gushing with sexual desire for you every time.