What it Means if She Cries After Sex
There’s probably never a circumstance where you would actually want to make a girl cry in bed, but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever see it happen. If everything was normal up until that point and she she isn’t injured or anything, her tears could just be a sign of intense release. Try to remain calm, not take it too personally, and avoid making her feel uncomfortable about it.
So why does it happen? When people orgasm, the brain releases oxytocin. (That stuff that makes you bond.) When it does so however, sometimes the mind has trouble dealing with the rush it can lead to an outburst of emotion, which sometimes comes in the form of tears.
In some circumstances, pent up emotions or stressors can also choose that moment of release to sneak out when it’s least expected. So the moment of orgasm might be actually be the moment that her body is dealing with the stress of being late on her rent again, not just because you undoubtedly rocked her world.
When a woman doesn’t orgasm during sex however, she might experience the opposite of release that also cause her to cry. All that pleasure can build and build and then have nowhere to go besides once again, coming out of the body in the form of an emotion.?The emotional release can also come in the form of laughter, so don’t freak out if she starts laughing uncontrollably. (It’s hard to know which would one would be less uncomfortable, depending on how your sex session went I guess.)
But what it does mean if your girl is moved to tears or another extreme emotion after sex, is that you are probably sharing a pretty deep level of intimacy to have an intense enough experience to even get her there. Think of the emotional release as an representation of how much is being felt, as opposed to what emotion it actually is.
If you just met on the other hand, you might want to gently inquire if this happens often or if it was a brand new experience for her. If you ever want to see her again, tread carefully. First off you might want to double check that it wasn’t something you did. For all the fun it is sex can also hurt a gal, so just make sure she’s doing okay. Once you’ve confirmed that she’s okay physically, just grab the girl a tissue or something. She’s probably feeling a little vulnerable so the last thing you want to do is make the situation even more awkward than it already is.
Men are not immune to the post orgasm emotion release either, so keep that in mind before you get to judging too heavily. Those tears can be tough to pass off as sweat.
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About Kate Ferguson Kate Fergus is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blogs and online magazines. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce.