Make A Side Income With These Four Uncanny Ideas
Yes you read that correctly, you can sale your poop to make money.?? There are a lot of ways to make money in this crazy world.? You can rent yourself as a friend, rent your car to a stranger, or if you feeling really frisky get paid to lie in bed all day.
Learn about the four strangest ways to make a side hustle.
Yes, you can actually make money?selling your poop.?According to?The Washington Post, you can make up to?$13,000 a year?by selling your poop to the company OpenBiome. OpenBiome needs it because it is ?administered to patients who are very sick with infections of a bacteria called C. difficile.??The company is willing to pay so much for these donations as finding a worthy donor is quite difficult.?They need extremely healthy people, with only around 4% of people who have applied actually passing all of their tests.
Of all these ways to start a side hustle, renting yourself out as a friend is probably the most viable since only 4% of the population can make money selling their poo.? If you decide to try to rent yourself as a friend I would suggest make your profile like a dating profile.? Your profile should be fun and share some information about you. ??It should definitely demonstrate your skills as well for example, if I want to learn more about photography I would rent a friend who was a photographer as their profession.
About Shaun Archer Tatum Shaun works in corporate finance in New York City. He has done financial consulting for several start-ups and has worked at several Fortune 500 companies. He has contributed several finance/investing articles on Seeking Alpha which have been published on Yahoo! Finance.