Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Coffee
There are plenty of conflicting reports about coffee spread around the web. Some people love it and are more than happy to show you all the benefits of a nice dark cuppa each morning. Others loathe it, stressing the dangers of heartburn and inflammation.
Do you drink coffee? Have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of that dark nectar of life? Thankfully some nice fellow’s gone through the trouble of putting together all the good and all the bad about coffee, into one place, with the scientific evidence to back it up.
As I am a coffee lover, and refuse to learn anything bad about my beloved pick-me-up, I’ll stick to pointing our the positives:
[…] coffee?s caffeine content and plethora of antioxidants (and very likely other compounds as well ? with synergistic effect) are what lends coffee the following associated health benefits:
- Better mood, memory, feelings of alertness and reaction time
- Increased fat burning
- Improved athletic performance
And a reduction in risk of:
- Dementia, Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s
- Gallstones
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Gout
- Cirrhosis and liver cancer
- Prostate, oral/pharyngeal, premenopausal breast and other cancers
- Suicide
- Death by all causes including cardiovascular disease
I’m convinced, but if you’re not, read through the full article to get to the cons, just don’t tell them to me please.
About Sam Brinson Sam is a writer living in Uruguay. Sam follows the latest in aging break throughs.