The Dos and Donts Of Having An Office Fling
Having a fling with a co-worker can add a dash of spice to your life. Even if you are both single and available, there is something dangerous and exciting about having an affair with someone you work with. It can happen to anyone and it is a fairly common thing.
Developing a crush on a woman at work is easily explained. You spend many hours a day shut up in the same space with her. And given the pace and demands of most high-end professions, you are probably required to spend a great deal of time interacting closely?working on team projects in the main office or client site? as well as having lunch and even dinner together.
However, there are a few dos and donts that you should take onboard in order to keep things simple and hassle free. has a fairly good list of things you should do if you are thinking of chatting up a co-worker. They include the following:
- Check your company?s policy on dating a co-worker
- Be sure she?s interested before making your move
- Get to know her a little better during social events such as lunch or company outings
I believe it is especially important to find out if she is as interested in you as you are in her. Making a move on a co-worker who isn?t interested can put you in an awkward position. You will have to go on working with her, with the humiliation of being rejected hanging over your head. You should therefore get as much information as you can about her love life and try as best as you can to pick up on the signals she gives you.
That said there are a few donts you should observe.
- If you are successful in your pursuit, don?t flaunt your relationship in the office
- Don?t mix your personal relationship with your professional roles
- If things go bad between you, don?t bring the fight to the office
It will be difficult to keep things in balance. You will not always be able to suppress your feelings for her?good or bad?just because you?re in the office. Nevertheless, you need to be cognizant of the fact that you both still have jobs to do. The best way to handle an office fling is to recognize boundaries. Doing so will help you enjoy the romance and avoid the drama.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.