How To Date Across Party Lines
Having deep political beliefs adds a layer of complexity to dating. As every poll consistently shows, the nation is evenly split between right and left. And though you may have been lucky thus far in dating women who have no opinion either way, there is a very good chance that you will meet a woman whose politics are the direct opposite of yours.
Imagine you?ve met this incredible woman. She has a beautiful smile, the prettiest laugh, long, luscious hair, and the sexiest body you?ve ever seen. She?s nice, talkative, and receptive to your charm. You?re really into her. You get to talking about the schools you went to, the jobs you?ve held, and the careers you?re pursuing. You may, in the course of things, even get to the current affairs of the world. You listen intently, as her views of things seem to diverge sharply from yours. Finally, you get to talking more directly about politics, and you discover that she supports the other party.
This can happen to anyone. You don?t have to respond in a way that turns a friendly moment into an awkward situation. You should go on having a good time. If you really like her, you should push on: get her phone number, ask her out; you should even see if she wants to go somewhere else to carry on the conversation.
Dating across party lines can be a fun and exhilarating experience. If you are like me and you like a woman with a little fight in her, then it can also be incredibly sexy. At times of particularly high political tension?presidential election years, for example?you might even find that your differences add a bit of charge to your sex life.
During the 2000 election I dated a woman who was the complete opposite of me in her political beliefs. We argued constantly. And we both found, I think, that our rivalry was a source of intense physical attraction. Although the affair only lasted the summer, it was the hottest two months of sex I?ve ever had.
If you date across party lines, you may need to establish a good etiquette for doing so. There may be some topics that are so sensitive that they?re best left undiscussed. It?s also a good idea to know when and where to bring up politics. Making such a relationship work only takes common sense and a good dose of tact.
You shouldn?t let party politics stand in the way of a good time. You never know what joys await you when your television and laptops are turned off, and it is just the two of you between the sheets.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.