Five Healthy Steps to Sexier Skin

Want dry, chapped, spot-prone skin? Of course you don?t. However, most men seem to reject the idea of skincare without properly thinking about the benefits, writing it off as too ?feminine?. However, if you want to exude confidence and sex appeal, then stellar and astounding skin can go a long way.

Studies have shown that a dedicated diet of chocolate and chips may not be the issue that?s leading to acne in men. That isn?t a reason to eat all the greasy food that you like, as it?s still going to ruin your health and damage your good looks, but the truth is, that testosterone is the culprit. As you might already know, spots become an issue on our skin when the sebaceous glands start to secrete too much of an oily substance called sebum. This is where your hormones play a part ? they stimulate sebum production.

If one of your oil glands becomes blocked, bacteria can get in, causing it to become infected, and inflamed, creating that bright-red glow. Even if you don?t have a lot of spots, you can still suffer from numerous other skin irritations, from dry and flaky skin, to oily pores. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can eat, and do, to keep your skin looking amazing.


Sexier Skin


First of all, there are so many benefits to drinking water that everyone should be convinced to guzzle the stuff every day by now. Your body, and that includes your skin, needs up to 2.5 liters of water every day. That?s equal to about ten large glasses. Without this water, your skin can become sore and flakey. You shouldn?t be waiting until you are already thirsty to drink, and remember that you?re going to need more water if you?re spending a lot of time in a heated or air-conditioned environment. What?s more, water becomes even more essential during exercise.


Most men find that their skin starts to become oilier in certain areas throughout the day, even during the winter months. Excess oil on your skin can block up your pores, causing spots to develop, and preventing your razor from gliding properly over your skin, leading to a crappy shave. Every day, make the time to wash your face with water and soap to make sure it is cleansed and clean.

3. Stock up on Essential Fatty Acids

One of the biggest mistakes that people regularly make is blocking all fats out of their diet in an attempt to keep their skin spot and oil free. Healthy skin needs fats to survive ? just make sure you?re eating the right ones. Avoid the artery-choking trans-fats that you find in junk food and fatty meats, and stick to healthy polyunsaturates. Remember, the outer layer of your skin is rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to keep you waterproof. If you?re deficient, too much water can be lost through your skin, leaving you dehydrated. You can derive Omega-3?s from oily fish like salmon and mackerel, and for Omega-6, eat seeds, and nuts.


If you have a Vitamin A deficiency, (which is more common than you may think) the upper layers of your skin can begin to produce more keratin than you need. This is the protein that is used to form nails and hair, and causes your skin to become scaly and rough. To receive more vitamin A, stock up on leafy, dark greens, sweet potatoes, carrots, and meat. Remember, supplement tablets can contain overly largely doses which can begin to gather in your body and develop into harmful deposits. It?s much harder to overdose on your Vitamin A intake if you use the right foods instead of pills.


What most American?s do not realize is that two percent of the male population is anemic. An even higher number than this suffer from what is known as low or insufficient iron stores, which can cause you to feel weak and tired throughout the day. However, another symptom of having low amounts of iron in your diet, which most people do not recognize, is suffering from itchy skin. Iron is pretty easy to get hold of and work into your diet if you know where to start looking. Just some of the foods that are rich in iron include cooked beans and lentils, pumpkin seeds, beef, pork, and clams.

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About Benjamin Roussey Benjamin is from Sacramento, CA. He has two master’s degrees and served four years in the US Navy. He enjoys sports, movies, reading, and current events when he is not working online.

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