2015: The Year To Start Your Own Business
This year instead of making pledges to lose weight or give up some minor indulgence, you should think about changing completely the direction of your life. You should make 2015 the year you start your own business.
You may have had the idea for quite some time. However, beginning the year with a commitment to writing a business plan, raising venture capital, and recruiting the right people may be the best way to see your way to actually doing it. No one who has ever gone through the process of creating a start-up will tell you it?s easy. But a good business environment can always smooth the way.
2015 is likely to see financial and economic conditions that encourage enterprise and new investment. All the right things seem to be happening in the economy right now. An article in Entrepreneur magazine provides a glimpse of the outlook for the coming year in the first 2 of the 10 reasons it gives for starting a business in 2015:
1. The economy
If you haven?t been following the stock market, the Dow Jones?just hit 18,000?for the first time ever. This all-time high coincides with high consumer confidence and a robust economy that is dusting itself off from the recession. The economy is like a tide and when it?s good, it raises all boats. So, take advantage of the situation and dust off your business plan and jump in the water
2. Investor money
2014 was a?banner year for venture capital investments. More deals were struck and more money was invested than any other year since before the 2001 tech bubble burst. And 2015 doesn?t show any signs of slowing down. So, if your big idea needs big money, now is the time to perfect your pitch and reach out to investors.
The other factors mentioned in the column can be read here. It reiterates much of what has been said in many other publications and by countless experts. After years of sluggish growth and movement, the American economy has come roaring back to life. Now is the time to take advantage of the new markets being created both at home and overseas.
The investment capital waiting to be tapped is plentiful. The number of sites and sources dedicated to helping individuals become entrepreneurs is insuperable. The time is right. The conditions are perfect. You have no more excuses. Make 2015 the year you branch out on your own and start your own business.
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About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.