The Most Important Ingredient to Get a Girl Chasing You
First off, did you get a chance to listen?to the interview I did with Greg Greenway?
If not, you can listen or download here. In the interview we talk about the importance?of making a girl chase you.
Why is it so important to make a girl chase you?
It comes down to one simple word:
Anticipation is the single most important ingredient in sexual desire.
I?ve already discussed in this article how a scientific study actually proves that the anticipation of a reward is actually more addicting then the reward itself.
Now, in order for anticipation to exist a few things must be present.
1. There must be a chance you won?t get the reward and occasional disappointment
2. There must be roadblocks and obstacles keeping you from the reward
3. The reward must occupy a lot of your attention
This is essentially ?the chase.?
And if you stop and think about the girls you?ve chased the hardest or became the most obsessed with I can almost guarantee that all three were present.
Remember, ?we pursue that which retreats from us? ?BUT only if we place some value on it in the first place.
(I talked a little bit about his in my article how on to play hard to get)
This ?Value? is the essence of what Greg is known for. He can manufacture ?Value? in any social setting so that HE is the guy occupying the girl?s attention.
The reason why this is important is because there has to be an element of belief.
She has to believe she can lose you to another girl?
She has to believe other girls are fighting for your attention?
She has to believe you have options.
Now for some guys (with options) this is easy. ?For other guys it requires playing “the game.”
Here are a few additional articles on that will help:
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.