Must-Read: Giving Up For Your Own Good
Here’s what’s going to happen: As you get older, your body is going to start betraying you. Maybe it’ll be in the hair region, maybe with the wrinkles on your face, maybe with your insides as things just start getting strange in there. And as you grow older, what could happen is that you may not be able to participate in all of the sports you love anymore. This is going to happen at some point. The trick is making sure you’re prepared for it.
And so today we’re heading over to Richard Koch’s blog where he has a post about how he had to give up playing tennis because his knee was getting balky. There’s some good advice in this post, like this:
Giving up is less painful than we think. And far more productive. Giving up produces better relationships. As Scott Peck says, it takes us further on the journey of life.
The most important form of giving up, though, go further. It is yielding part of our personality, part of our whole approach to life, to a higher goal. This is giving ourselves up to ? you choose the word or words you prefer, because this is delicate territory ? to a cause, to God, to our conscience, to our better selves, to ?the universe?. It means being willing to trust to doing the right thing, even if it is really painful, even if ? in extreme cases ? it is fatal. If giving up habits can be easier than we think, giving up our ?selves? is always hard, at least at first.
Head on over to the blog link above to check out the rest of the post. It’s vital reading, and something that will assist you as you get older and your body begins taking a bit of a turn.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.