5 Powerful Tricks to Fight the Effect of Aging
For most guys in their teens and 20s, worrying about the effects of aging is something that is best left until later. On one hand, this?is fine. You are pretty much expected?to ?live while you are young? and enjoy all the perks of youth before it is too late.
On the other hand, however, young guys?can actually do some simple things that will help lay the groundwork for fighting many of the effects of aging. This means that, in a sense, they can actually prolong their youth, or at least retain the energy and young-person’s lifestyle as they grow older.
Of course, it is not too late if you are already in your 30s or 40s (or older). There are still plenty of things that you can do to bring back that energy and vitality that you had when you were younger.
Here are five simple things that every guy, young or older, should do to either fight or prepare to fight the effects of aging.
Compound exercises work more than one muscle group at a time. A workout that features multiple exercises that work?multiple muscle groups provides?three very important benefits. First, compound exercises spur testosterone growth. You can think about it like this: the more muscles you involve in each exercise, the more testosterone your body will need to make. What does this have to do with aging? One?of the biggest causes of male sexual problems and low energy is a lack of testosterone. Lots of guys will start losing testosterone naturally as they age (starting in their late 20s or early 30s). Compound exercises are the best way to keep T production at a high level as you age.
Secondly, compound exercises work muscles that you will use in everyday life. These exercises (swimming is a good example, though calisthenics that work more than one muscle group can be just as effective) might not make you super ripped, but they will keep the aches and pains that many older guys complain about at bay.
Finally, working multiple muscle groups over and over again means that you can lower your overall exercise?time. It is much easier to work out when you only have to commit 20-30 minutes per day instead of spending an hour or two at the gym.
Two of your body’s?most important systems work?while you sleep. While you are zzz-ing, your body doesn’t have to focus on dealing with the stresses of day-to-day life. It can work solely on rejuvenating itself by producing more hormones and strengthening the?immune system. Hormones (especially the aforementioned testosterone) are not just needed for a healthy sex life, they are also important for overall energy levels. Your immune system, likewise, not only fights diseases, but keeps your energy where its?need to be. Without seven solid hours of sleep per night, these systems won’t have time to do the work needed to keep your body in top condition. Eight hours is even better.
Diet can play a huge role in fighting the effects of aging. However, what you avoid is as important as what you eat. It is time-consuming to make food from scratch, but avoiding processed food (anything pre-made or any bagged snack foods, for example) can help you lose weight, increase hormone production and raise overall energy levels pretty quickly. Most guys who give up pre-made food and eat only fresh food say they start feeling better and more energetic after only a week or two. Also,?in the habit of eating nutrient-rich foods like blueberries, broccoli and avocados daily can have huge positive anti-aging effects.
Wrinkles come with age. A lot of women?even say that a few extra lines on your face can make you look experienced or distinguished. At the same time, keeping a younger-looking appearance is pretty simple. Applying moisturizer to your face in the evening and a layer of sunscreen when you go outside for extended periods can literally make you look 5-10 years younger. The catch is that you have to do it consistently, day after day. And, to get the most?effect, you have to start when you are still young.
Most people will tell you?that men reach their sexual peak in their 20s but?then everything goes downhill from there. Yes, it’s true that testosterone production peaks in a guy’s 20s, but he can be sexually active for his whole life. If you are doing things #1, #2, and #3, then your testosterone levels will be high and you will still physically desire sex. But you can do more to keep your performance level high and avoid needing pills or pumps to get yourself ready to perform when the time comes.
An exercise known as jelqing can help you keep the blood-flow to that all-important sex organ. Jelqing is easy to do in the shower or bathroom. Simply wrap your thumb and index finger around the base of your penis (this works best when you are semi-erect), then squeeze firmly (but not too tightly) and slide your fingers towards the head your penis while maintaining the O shape with your fingers. You can repeat this motion 20-25 times. The exercise will increase?your blood flow and enhance your ability to maintain a hard erection during sex.
No matter how old you are now, starting these 5 simple practices today can help you feel, look and perform like someone who is 5, 10 or 15 years younger than you actually are.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.