How to Finally Ask for and Get the Raise You Deserve
If you think your employer is going to notice your hard and diligent work and automatically offer you a raise, then it is time to get in touch with reality. In the perfect world, good employees would have their job performances reviewed often while getting offered a slight increase for good work. Unfortunately, the workplace does not always work like that, and it is not always fair.
If you want a raise, you are going to have to put in the work and ask for it. Don?t be embarrassed. If you truly believe that you are qualified for more money, then there is no reason why your boss should not think so either.
Now that you are all fired up to ask for a raise, here are the best situations to have your cause heard.
The only way your boss will know your value is if you know your value. Ask yourself, what makes you so valuable to the company? Do you take on a task that no one else can do or do you have a certain set of skills that is hard to replace? Use these unique attributes to your benefit. Be prepared to explain to your employer why you are so valuable to the company. Most bosses like to talk in money signs, so make sure to include any instances where you made your company money or saved them money.
Have you ever seen a sitcom star rush into their boss? office to demand a raise or to find someone else, only to be fired? That scenario is hilarious to watch on TV, but it should in no way replicate how you approach your raise. Plan out the best time to talk with your boss, both time of day and time of year. Asking for a pay raise after announced budget cuts is just moronic.
So how much of a raise do you ask for exactly? This is a tricky question to answer. You don?t want to sell yourself too short, but it is not reasonable to ask for twice your pay either. Instead, research what other individuals are making in your field and location. Don?t bother bringing up how much your co-workers make because that can make things a little harried in the office. The last thing you want is to mention how Bob makes X amount each year and wastes all his time on Facebook. Instead, have a rough estimate of how much the average salary is for your position and ask for a raise that is suitable to that figure.
Once you have proven that you are worthy of a raise and done a little homework, then it is time for you to ask for the raise. Just be confident in your qualifications. What is the worst that will happen? It would be unlawful for them to fire you for asking for a raise. Although, if you go in demanding a raise and if they don?t meet that demand then you will quit, they might gladly take you up on your voluntary job dismissal.
Go in confident but not too cocky, and the worst that will happen is that your boss will say no or that you will get a lower raise than you had hoped for. If the boss says no, ask him to explain his reasoning and also ask when would be a better time to ask for a raise. Perhaps you aren?t worthy of a raise yet because you come in thirty minutes late every day. Use your ?no? as good criticism, change any bad habits, and then ask for a raise again in six months to a year.
There is a very good chance that you will get a pay raise of some sort. If your employer thinks you are worthy and valuable, then they will want to keep you happy at work. However, you will never know what your boss? answer will be if you never ask.
About Ashley Eneriz Ashley Eneriz is a freelance writer based in California. Her love of saving money in her personal life led her to becoming a financial writer. She has a passion for helping individuals get on the right path financially.