6 Tips On Becoming A Recognized Authority On What You Know Best
Ours is an age of research and subject matter experts. One of the best ways to rocket to fame and to earn serious money is to get yourself known as an authority on what you know best. Most of the people who achieve such a distinction are not necessarily credentialed by or members of established institutions. They are ordinary people who have made the right moves and executed sound business strategy in order to build up their brand and make the advice they sell seem indispensable.
The only valid measure of determining whether you are a recognized authority on something is the number of people who come to you for advice. If you can expand your clientele and keep a loyal base of followers willing to recommend you, then you are probably doing well as a recognized niche expert. And such success is usually the result of a carefully crafted strategy.
An article over Addicted 2 Success describes 6 effective ways to become a well-known authority.
The author offers some really good advice. I think he especially nails it when he discusses the fact that people don?t really care how smart you are:
- Know that people don?t care how smart you are
A lot of people think they have to be smart to be an authority. People will try to impress others with their knowledge, when most people couldn?t care less about how smart you are. I do a lot of authority building with Dentists and Dr?s and one of the things I tell them is that ?people do not care about the diploma on your wall, you need to get that completely out of your head.? Nobody calls the dentist?s office and says ?Well?. what does his diploma say??.
If people have paid a lot of money for education, events and info products, I?m all for that, that?s great but at the end of the day people just want to know whether or not you can help them.
You can click here to read the other 5 tips. The sections on how to position yourself and how to micro-specialize are also very informative.
One last thing: As a former consultant, consultant I can personally attest to the truth of the third tip. Few people warm to the tone and manner of an ?egg head?. What they want is someone who can speak in clear and concrete terms so that they can better understand their problems and resolve them.
About Christopher Reid Chris was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Britain. He works as a blogger, essayist, and novelist. His first book, Tea with Maureen, has just been published.