The lies every woman will tell on a first date
These are not serious, life-changing lies, but little fibs that every woman will say on a first date. She fully expects you to decode these fibs, but if you have little dating experience, you will not think twice about taking what she says on face value.
?Oh, this old thing??
She spent hours getting ready. It does not matter what kind of date you are on. It could be a mountain-climbing date, and she will have spent the better part of the day choosing her cutest shorts and putting on just the right amount of makeup so that she looks like she is not wearing make-up. Even low-maintenance kind of girls will have spent forever agonising over what to wear. When she deflects your compliment on her outfit, it is because she wants to keep up the pretence that she always looks this hot.
?Would you like to split the bill??
Fiddling over coins at the end of a date is far from romantic. She also may expect you to foot the bill since it is the first date. Offering to split the bill is usually insincere. Generally, she wants you to insist that it is your treat.
?I love [your hobby] too!?
Are your social media profiles public? Is there plenty of evidence of what kind of music you?re into, who your favourite sports teams are, and your weekend hobbies? When she tells you that she really loves rock-climbing (and what a coincidence that you do too!), the main piece of information you should gain from this is that she is really good at Facebook stalking.
?I don?t want dessert.?
Yes, she wants dessert, even if she just put away a huge dinner. She is probably rejecting dessert because she does not want you to think she is greedy, both in the sense of eating too much and of expecting too much of a first date. Particularly if she is fuller figured, she may say that she does not want dessert because she does not want you to think she is fat.? Most of the time, she really does want dessert. She wants you to persuade her to treat herself or to suggest splitting a dessert. Alternatively, you could suggest going on an after-dinner stroll to a nearby dessert bar.
?Sure, it would be great to see you again.?
You put her on the spot and asked her if there is going to be a second date. Whether she is taking a shine to you or not, she has no choice but to smile and say yes. Almost every girl has previous experiences where she has said no and the guy demanded why not; so it is just easier to say yes regardless of what she is really thinking. Often this will be a lie; sometimes it will not be. Time will tell. If you are going to ask about seeing her again, it is best to do this after the date, such as through a text the next day. She is more likely to give you an honest answer through text messaging.
About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: