Must-Read: Watching Porn Together
Back in the 80s and 90s, porn was able to be kept separate from the rest of society. Oh sure, people had magazines and photos and videos, but that was kept hidden away. It wasn’t something that you’d talk about. Now, with images of people banging just a few clicks away either on your home computer or on your phone, porn has entered a new phase in terms of how it’s discussed. And one of the ways that it is discussed now is as a bit of an aid in the bedroom with your partner. But introducing the concept of watching porn together could be tricky.
And so today we’re heading on over to Men’s Fitness where they have a few tips for how to introduce porn into your relationship. For example, among the pieces of information that they’re giving us:
Once the Footage Starts?
When the steamy vid starts rolling, a lot of couples can?t help jumping right into sex. ?There?s nothing wrong with this strategy,? Morse says. ?But it?s fun to also set some ground rules to keep things new and exciting.? She recommends agreeing to wait until the credits role or the scene ends before turning your attention to each other. ?Delaying the act will make you both so aroused,? she promises. She also advises cuddling and caressing each other while you watch. Once you?ve got the hang of things, one of you could pleasure the other while the video rolls. Or you could try different rear entry positions so you can both watch while you have sex, Morse adds.
Head on over to the above link to check out some of the other tips they have for how to introduce porn into your love-making. And then, if it’s all systems go on her part, give it a whirl. It can certainly make things a lot more interesting in the bedroom.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.