Must-Read: She Will Find These Things Out About You
We all have secrets. If you’ve lived long enough, you’re going to have all sorts of things that you hide from people. It could be your job. It could be your money issues. It could be all sorts of weird sex things that you have. The thing is, if you’re dating someone for a long period of time, you’re going to have to share some of these issues with that person.
And so today we’re heading on over to where they have a list of 10 things that she will, one way or another, find out another you. It is a dark list, let us tell you. For example, among the pieces of information that she certainly will learn about you:
You Have Massive Debt
It?s not for her to judge you on the decisions you made which left you in debt. Most of us take on sizable loans in order to pay for an education or put a down payment on a home. Some of us decided to spend two years traveling around the world or trying to get a business off the ground. Whatever the reason for your financial situation, it?s in the past and your job is to stay afloat. Just don?t expect to be able to hide your monetary obligations from her. If you keep having to turn down the idea of a weekend getaway or skimp on date night over and over, she?s gonna realize something?s up. Put her at ease by explaining how you wound up in debt and what steps you?re taking to get out.
So head on over to the link above to check out the things that she is eventually going to find out about you. And then, perhaps, start figuring out ways in order to break the news to her. And if you really want to spend more time with her at all.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.