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Awesome Men Throughout History: Ali Ramirez
Posted June 5, 2014
This week\'s edition of Awesome Men Throughout History column is sticking with sports (real ones this time), but we\'re coming from a different perspective this time. A lot of TSB\ ...
A Simple Trick To Get a Girl To Think About Having Sex With You (Without Seeming Creepy)
Posted June 4, 2014
Can You Trick a Woman Into Sex? Yes, You Can... Guys sometimes seem to follow a script when they are trying to seduce a girl. They think that there are certain steps that the ab ...
Must-Read: Do Not Eat These Foods
Posted June 4, 2014
On Monday -- and feel free to scroll back and check out the post on your own -- we went through a list of foods that you can eat that would put a little kick in your step, if you k ...
Awesome Men Throughout History: Sputnik Monroe
Posted June 3, 2014
Anyone in my readership who likes the band Sputnik Monroe (all, what, ten of you?) might be surprised to know that they named their band after a professional wrestler. So logically ...
When She Wants to Take a “Break”
Posted June 2, 2014
What does it even mean when she says she wants to take some time away from you? The nebulous idea of ?going on a break? is a clich? she has probably gleaned from her friends and ma ...
Must-Read: The Best Aphrodisiacs Around
Posted June 2, 2014
Sometimes, you\'re just not in the mood. It\'s rare if you\'re a red-blooded male, but it occasionally happens. That\'s just the way these things go. So, sometimes you need a littl ...