Two Ways That TSB Made Me A Better Man
Number One
It all started with me sitting in my car by the curb side, waiting to go into my college class. At the time I wasn?t in the best of moods. In fact, I was practically in tears. The reason that I was sitting in my car, sad, and about to be late for class was ? I was talking on the phone with a girl that I had been dating for a few months. She was a girl that I had met at a club.
I really didn?t know what I was doing at the time as far as how to meet women in clubs, but I saw this big bachelorette party and I simply walked over and said, ?Hey, whose single?? Well, my desperate attempt worked. I ended up getting one of the girls? numbers and then we started dating. But I was never really that attracted to her. I mean, she was decent looking but I never really felt that she was the quality of girl that I wanted. I was just more scared of being alone or going an entire year without getting laid.
Maybe you can relate? I know that there are a lot of guys that think that way ? there are a lot of guys that just settle (including a lot of my friends). They settle because they would rather at least be with someone than to be alone. Yet at the same time they aren’t truly happy. They are always looking at other girls thinking, ?what if…?
?What if the type of girl that I was really interested in actually liked me?? ?What if somewhere there is an athletic, blonde that likes to fish just like I do??
?What if…?
I think that this is the reason that I was almost in tears on the phone. It wasn?t that I was sad to lose my then girlfriend (I knew that if I stayed with her I would just be settling).
I was sad because, if I broke up with her, I wouldn’t know where to go next.
I really thought that it was impossible to meet women. I thought that it basically came down to ?luck.? I am Irish but still, my luck isn’t that good.
So, I eventually did break up with her before heading into class that day. And then after class I went home and started to do some research. I desperately wanted to know how a regular, normal guy like me could attract and date the women that he wanted, without settling.
I searched online looking for dating advice, and came across a magician with a top hat that used a lot of abstract theory. I also came across guys that used words like ?Sarging? and ?HB10? and some other weird terms as well. But I was really just looking for something more ?normal.?
I eventually found a site called What I liked about TSB when I first discovered it was that all of the information was practical. It made sense. I first learned about the conversation topics that I should be using in order to capture a girls attention. And I also discovered how to flirt by using techniques like role play and ?push pull.?
If I ever got stuck in my head on a date again I would think, ?Okay tell a story about a time when I traveled somewhere, girls love to travel? (Doing this would usually save me). But If I was really about to crash into a wall of awkward silence I would remember what Bobby said about dealing with awkward silences, ?just acknowledge it.? So I would say something like, ?Oh no here comes an awkward silence, don’t worry hold my hand and we’ll get through it.? She would usually laugh and then I would think to myself, ?Thank you Bobby.?
I think that overall I just became a more confident man by reading TSB. Most importantly, I now had a better understanding of female behavior. I learned not to take every interaction with a girl personal (because sometimes they can get a little crazy no matter what you do).
And in the months to follow I would be dating women that I had always pictured as out of my league. Rather than approach women in a shy, timid way (like I used to). I am now able to use openers like my favorite opener that goes; ?hey did you get a mid-night kiss yet?? Then before she answers, I simply kiss her (yes it does work).
There are endless stories now of club adventures, hotel parties, and stories about women that are actually following ME around the club, dying to get my attention.
I learned from TSB that it is not impossible to attract and date the women that you truly desire. And that you shouldn?t settle either.
You shouldn?t settle in any area of your life. Which brings us to the second part…
Number Two
I felt like I had finally solved the dating issues that had been plaguing me for a long time. I was finally at the point where I could meet and attract the women that I wanted. But there still was one major thing that was bothering me. I HATED MY JOB.
I had learned to not settle with women, but instead, improve myself to the point where I could attract the women that I truly wanted to be with. And now I was about to learn how to not settle in a job or career that I hated either.
At the time I was finishing up school, taking some night classes. I really had no idea what I wanted to do. But I knew that I wanted a career that would offer some flexibility. The biggest thing that I hated was working 9-5 every day for someone else. And feeling like my day was completely meaningless. I wanted to do something that would improve my life but also give my life some meaning. I didn’t want to be stuck in a 9-5 job forever.
I had met with a career counselor at school probably 8 to 10 times (she never was much help at all), but after a bunch of meetings I figured that it might be a good idea to go into the medical field. So that’s what I did.
I got my EMT license shortly after and started working as an EMT in a busy east coast city.
I worked about three or four 16 hour shifts and thought, ?Is this really what I want??
I knew what the answer was and I knew that once again I needed some guidance. So again I turned to TSBmag. I logged onto Facebook and went to the TSB page. I then wrote a message on the wall that said something like, ?How do I find a career that I love?? and ?How do I become an entrepreneur??
The advice that I received would soon change my life again.
A couple days after I had sent the post, there was a reply to my question on he TSB Facebook wall. There was a picture of a book and a message that said, ?This book is a good place to start.? The picture and the recommended book was The Millionaire Fastlane.
I went right over to and bought it. I then read the book on my down time in the ambulance, waiting for the next call. It took me a couple shifts to finish the book and shortly after I finished reading the book, I quit my job. I now knew what I wanted to do.
I didn’t want to work 9-5 for someone else. I wanted to make my own way. I wanted to be in charge and to call the shots. I wanted to be a self-made-man.
A few months later I opened my own business. I am finally on a career path that I love and that I can be proud of. I finally feel like I have direction and meaning.
TSB helped me in a time when a trained professional career counselor fell short. It offered real value and solutions that allowed me to make better decisions and to become a better man.
I now have a great love life and I’ve never been happier or more excited to be working as an entrepreneur. And If I ever get scared to approach a girl or to make a business sales call, I just think about one little TSB phrase that gives me the extra motivation that I need…
Make It Happen!
Your friend,
Mike Wynn
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Mike Wynn Mike Wynn is a dating coach and entrepreneur. He devotes himself to improving peoples love lives and financial lives. He believes in taking risks and chances in order to reach goals that will bring you happiness.