Must-Read: Do Not Eat These Foods
On Monday — and feel free to scroll back and check out the post on your own — we went through a list of foods that you can eat that would put a little kick in your step, if you know what we mean. (We mean, put a little kick in your step downstairs, if you know what we mean. We mean turn you on and make you horny, okay!) But that’s only half of the equation when it comes to foods. Because while there are those super foods out there that will make you all sorts of fun in the bedroom and just make you feel like a million bucks otherwise, there are also foods that will simply make you feel terribly.
And so today we’re heading on over to Men’s Fitness where they have a list of foods that you should never put into your body. For, like, any reason at all. They’re that bad for you. Among the pieces of food that you should just stay completely away from:
The amazing taste of donuts don’t come without an enormous cost to the body. These sticky and sweet treats are high in calories, fats, and carbs. Plus, because of added preservatives, they can sit on store shelves for extended periods of time without losing its taste or spoiling. The result? Rapid weight gain and poor digestive function.
And our good friend:
Sugary Cereal
Want a surefire way to ruin your body inside and out? With the the high amount of inflammation-causing sugar and gluten content, most cereals will do the trick. Gluten alone can increase skin breakouts and inflammation of the stomach lining. Skip out on the sugary cereals if you’d rather spare yourself the gut-aches and crummy skin.
So head on over to the above link to check out the rest of the selections, and then stay away from them.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.