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Must-Read: Take Care of Your Skin
Posted March 15, 2014
Think about the first thing that people see when you meet them. Sure, hair is important, and your face, and to a certain extent so is your body. But that\'s where you would mostly ...
Must-Read: Use Your Mouth Correctly
Posted March 12, 2014
Have you ever sat there at the bar and had a girl sidle right up next to you, and you simply knew that she was into you? There was something like pure lust in her eyes, and the onl ...
Posted March 11, 2014
It?s difficult to flirt in an environment completely removed from the usual places people look for some action. But if you get the opportunity, picking up which you pick up some gr ...
Must-Read: Tricking Yourself To Get In Shape
Posted March 10, 2014
Here\'s the thing with working out: It sucks. It\'s not very fun. Oh sure, there are those people among us who, for whatever reason, have it in their bones and genes in order to go ...
Posted March 7, 2014
The current trend for nude is not referring to your birthday suit. It?s a color! The lightest shade of brown has become a huge trend of late. Versatile and stylish, there?s no reas ...
Must-Read: A Body for Spring Break
Posted March 7, 2014
Spring break, man. Spring break. If you\'ve ever had a chance to head on over to the greatest event of all time, then you know how amazing it is. The drinking, the partying, the ne ...