Must-Read: How to Get Over Your Hangover
Here’s one of the problems with aging. Back in the day, it was super easy to drink massive amounts of alcohol during a late night binge, and wake up the next day without really a whole lot of problems coming from that night filled of mistakes. That is the thing that comes with youth: The ability to bounce back from drunken nights without too many hours of headaches and feeling terrible. But something happens to you when you reach your 30s. Suddenly, each night of drinking takes longer and longer to overcome. Suddenly, if you end up going out the night before, you really aren’t functional at all until the evening the following night. This is just the reality of aging. But there are ways to kind of make your hangover a little less potent.
And so today we’re heading on over to Men’s Health where they have a list of cures that you need to try for your terrible hangover. For example, among the things they suggest that you need to try out:
2. Pop the Right Painkiller
That?d be ibuprofen. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can risk liver damage after a night of drinking. Because both acetaminophen and alcohol are metabolized by the liver, boozing disrupts your liver from fully breaking down the toxins in the pain pills, Dr. Swift says. And aspirin can upset your stomach.
3. Grab Gatorade
After a few cups of water, switch to a sports drink. ?The extra salt helps your body absorb the fluids more quickly,? Dr. Swift says.
So head on over to Men’s Health and check out the rest of the cures for your hangover. And then get to drinking!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.