Must-Read: When You Got To Let Her Go
In only two days is Valentine’s Day. This stupid little holiday is a big idea, especially to her. If you haven’t gotten her anything yet, now is the time to panic. But Valentine’s Day also offers us all a moment for reflection, particularly in regards to asking yourself whether or not this is the girl for you. Is this the one you want to be spending all of your time and money with? Or is this just a phase that, soon enough, you’ll move on from and find your true love?
Which is why today, of all days, we’re heading on over to Men’s Fitness where they have a list of 10 ways to know that it’s time to break up. Among two of the important reasons that they list:
1. She treats you like a therapist
She calls you when she?s sad; she shares secrets; she compliments you all the time; she says you?d be a great boyfriend. But if you make a move, she?ll say she doesn?t want to ruin the friendship.
Fixable? Possibly. Be supportive, relate to her emotions, but don?t get into details. Tell her you have confidence in her and that she will find the right answer for her. Then change the subject.
2. She doesn?t have close female friends
This one is really bad. She?s using her sexuality to make friends, and other women don?t see anything valuable in her. She might say that she doesn?t get along with women (which is weird) or that other women are threatened by her (sure, some are, but I?ve dated top actresses and Playboy models, and they had plenty of female friends).
Fixable? No. Even if she makes female friends, that only treats the symptom, not the cause. Run.
If those hit particular close to home, then head on over and check out the other 8. And then make this Valentine’s Day the day you make a decision and move on.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.