Must-Read: Dealing With a Girlfriend’s Jealousness
Relationships are hard things, especially as you get older. People slowly, but surely, turn into their various selves, becoming harder and harder to change as their lives have turned them into a specific direction. And it’s at that point when relationships become this give-and-take battle, where neither party wants to give at all. One of the ways this occasionally manifests itself is in jealousy. As in, sometimes you can be jealous of your girlfriend, or your girlfriend can be jealous of you. The first step towards figuring out how to get past that jealousy, then, is finding out if it exists.
And so today we head on over to, where they have a list of things to account for if your girlfriend turns out to be the jealous type. For example, among the bits of information you might want to be on the look out for:
You Can’t Mention Another Woman
Your girlfriend?s jealousy makes it impossible to talk about other women in any context. Whether it?s a female coworker, a co-ed softball teammate or the same barista who knows exactly how you take your coffee, utter the name of another woman and she immediately develops an attitude.
Why It’s Harmful: Imagine this relationship does go to the next level. Now imagine the next 50 years of life without mentioning anything involving another woman. What were to happen if a promotion at the office meant working with an attractive female boss? Suppose the house next door is sold to an older, single woman? Even though these women have zero interest in you sexually, daily interaction will be a normal part of life. Are you expected to never discuss work or home again?
So head on over to the above link to check out the rest of the vital information.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.