Must-Read: What Not to Eat
Eating is kind of difficult. First, all of the food that tastes good is the food that’s bad for us. And second, because even the ones that SEEM like they should be good for us, are made in such a way that they’re not really. Eating in our current culture of over-processed foods and fast food available at every street corner is not that easy. You have to be mindful of not only what’s out there, but also what’s in your own kitchen. The thing is, you can make some great advances in your own healthy simply by getting rid of a few mainstays in your kitchen that you may not know are doing terrible harm to your body.
And so today we’re heading on over to Men’s Fitness where they have a vital list of 14 foods that you need to do whatever you can to get out of your kitchen, pronto. For instance:
1. Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal
When you?re reading a cereal box label, it?s easy to be fooled: By adding vitamins, food companies can make even junky cereals look like good choices. ?Even those marketed as ?healthy? can be high in sugar,? says nutrition expert Kate Geagan, R.D.N. Think of it this way: Four grams of sugar on the label translates to one teaspoon of added sugar.
Stock this instead: Steel-cut oats
Make this no-cook breakfast in no time. Soak steel-cut oats (not instant oatmeal) overnight. In the morning, top with almond milk, nuts, and fresh fruit for sustained energy and performance, suggests Geagan.
Head on over to the link to get another 14 ideas of foods that you really need to think about getting out of that kitchen of yours if you want to be healthy.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.