Must-Read: To Shave or Not To Shave
It’s an age old question for nearly every male who has a little more than just peach fuzz on their face: Do I grow a beard?
There are many reasons not to. It itches. It takes time and learning in order to understand how to shape it correctly. It needs some washing. Maybe you have a few spots that don’t quite fill in the way you want them. Maybe you don’t want to look like a homeless person. But all of those considerations fly right out the window as soon as you wonder about the biggest question of all: Will girls like it? If they do, well, then it’s less a matter of ‘if’ and more of a question of ‘how long will it take to come in already?’ Luckily for us, has a recent story that seeks to answer that question once and for all. What they say regarding whether or not girls think beards are sexy:
A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of New South Wales and published in Evolution and Human Behavior found that women found men with beards — specifically 10-day-old beards — more attractive. Not just that but guys with full-beards were perceived as better and more protective fathers.
Both men and women had to rate the faces with varying levels of facial hair growth (clean-shaven, five-day stubble, 10-day stubble and full beards). While guys thought clean shaven looked better than a short, five-day beard, women actually rated smooth faces as the least attractive.
So throw your razors away, gentlemen! (Or, actually, don’t throw them away, as you still need to do some shaping and what-not so you don’t look homeless.) But start growing that beard of yours today!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.