Must-Read: Boosting Her Sex Drive
This is what happens: You want to have sex with your girl. You’re all ready and planned for it. You spaced out a part of your day, held off from looking at Internet porn, and have everything set. And then, something happens. She isn’t “in the mood” anymore. And that’s it. The night’s over. She has decided that that is that, and you’re left on your own, which we all know is a terrible way to end the night. Fortunately, there are ways that you might be able to get her sex drive boosted back up.
So today we’re heading to Men’s Health where they have a listing of ways to get your girl’s sex drive boosted to outrageous levels. Among the possible methods that might help include:
Touch is a woman’s primary trigger for desire, according to a study in the Journal of Sex Research. “With the other senses, you’re not necessarily engaged while your partner experiences it,” says Sitron. “But touch is reciprocal: You can feel me touching you while I experience touching you.”
Take advantage with a sex therapy technique called “sensate focus.” Have your partner lie flat on her back with her eyes closed, and slowly caress her head and face?hair, nose, ears, lips; cover it all. “Pretend this is your last chance to savor her body,” says Sitron. Move to her torso and legs and feet, then flip her over and repeat.
The point is to chart new erotic territory. “The genitals, breasts, and inner thighs have the most nerve receptors, so they’re most sensitive,” says social psychologist Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D. “But almost any body part can become erotic if you learn to associate it with sexual pleasure.”
So head on over to the link in order to check out how to boost her sex drive and
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.