From the Archives: 10 Posts About The Alpha Attitude
Qualifying: A Powerful Way to Attract Women: ?Swinggcat gives a good explanation of a “stealth” attraction technique. ?It involves exploiting the phychological principle of commitment and consistency.
How to Escalate: The Pregnant Pause: ?Nick Sparks gives a really slick maneuver on how to escalate with women. ?It involves non verbal cues to let her know whats coming next. ? You can read more?escalation?articles here.
Being Nice In Bed is Mean To Your Girl: ?Words from a porn star, as Shawnee talks about how guys don’t understand that women want a guy who is not afraid to get a little “naughty” in the bedroom.
Fight Club and Self Confidence: ?John uses the movie Fight Club to talk about elements of self confidence. ?It includes valuable lessons like “pursue your dreams at all cost.”
Have the Confidence to Not Give a Damn: ?John writes another article about confidence, in which he talks about getting rid of your need for approval.
Go Commando: ?Rob writes a post advicing guys to ruthlessly pursue what they want. This is a call of action to immediately go after what you want.
Cure of One-Itis: ?At some point every guy suffers from “one-itis”. ?This means you get hung up or even obsessed with one particular girl who is driving you crazy. ?Sean details his cure for one-itis.
The Necessity of Risk: ?One of the biggest qualities of “alpha males” or guys who achieve a lot in all areas of life there is risk tolerance. These guys are not afraid to put a little bit on the line to get what they want.
How to Walk Like an Alpha Male: ?In this article Sebastian Drake describes how to walk like an alpha male. ?LOTS of my students have told me this article helped them tremendously.
Bust Through Your Comfort Zone: ?This is an article I wrote from Medellin Colombia talking about how most good things in like take place outside of your comfort zone.
Press Play now to watch a free video presentation about how to take things to a “sexual level,” close the deal, and get her back to your bedroom.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.