Must-Read: Spring Break Destinations
Spring break! Everybody party! Let’s all go to an exotic destination and get crazy and party like we’re never going to die and meet lots of girls and get their numbers and have sex with them and so on and so forth! Great idea, right? Sounds like fun, indeed? Except, that is, when you get your bank statement following the big trip and realize that you spent WAY more than you were planning on and now you’re pretty much done having any amount of fun until next spring break. Which is to say, all of that partying is fun and all, but it comes with a cost. If only there was a way to have a fun spring break without breaking your bank account.
Luckily, there is! Which is why today we’re heading to Men’s Health where they have a list of 10 spring break destinations that won’t have you completely destroying your wallet in the process. Among the trips they recommend include this doozy:
Biloxi, Mississippi
Nestled along the gorgeous Gulf Coast, Biloxi is a Southern paradise for partiers and gamblers. At the grand but intimate Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (rooms starting at $159/night), you can play against the friendliest Craps dealers in the business, rock out on a complimentary Fender guitar in the comfort of your room, explore historic music memorabilia from the likes of Elvis and B.B. King, and indulge in the best damn dessert you’ll ever taste (King Cake Bread Pudding) at the hotel’s hip Vibe restaurant. Best of all: New Orleans is just a 90-mile drive south, so you’ll still have an epic time in the Big Easy, but save big staying in Biloxi instead of on Bourbon Street.
So head on over to the link to check out the other 9 possible trip destinations and then get to spring breaking without destroying your bank account.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.