Must-Read: How to Think Better
You’ve heard the phrase “mind over matter” before. At its base, it means that you can accomplish whatever it is you can put your mind to. (Yes, ninjas use this technique in order to put their arms through a brick wall or whatever, but that’s not really what we’re talking about here.) The fact is, if you have a strong mental idea of a goal you want to accomplish, that is really the first step of accomplishing it. The trick, then, is being able to harness this act and make it work for you. How can you change your mind to think more clearly about what you want to do?
So today we’re speaking about mental agility. Well, actually, is speaking about it.
This link between being able to focus and coming up with the right reaction in a moment when you are forced to think on your feet might seem a little abstract, but think about it — if you cannot empty your mind of extraneous detail, then you will probably not be able to concentrate your attentions on the situation at hand. As such, our recommendations for how to become agile, how to deal with off-the-wall, immediately-presented situations, has a lot to do with your ability to quiet the hell down. We don?t live in a time that trains the mind particularly well; our present culture is manic, Tourettic. It rewards the ability to entertain multiple, contradictory notions — and this isn?t a good thing if your goal is mental agility. The ability to react quickly is a product of mental quietude, and we live in a global Shinjuku.
Head on over to the above link and check out the rest of the piece. And then start thinking about what greatness you want to achieve.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.