Top Five Destinations of Redding, CA
Part of the reason that I?ve started this series is because I have been on road trips and had no clue where I should go to eat. It?s past nine o?clock, I?m dirt tired and I need to get started by 6 am the next morning, so I barely have time to eat, shit, shower and sleep, let alone research anything cool to do or places to eat. Like the time I was in Redding, I stayed at a Vagabond Inn and ate at a Denny?s. I did it because it was easy and right next to the Interstate, but it still didn?t feel right.
Surprisingly, I have the exact same problem when I have too much time and often end up in the same place. I trust that I?ll just happen to stumble into something cool, trusting luck and timing in the fortuitous sense to provide for me. Sometimes it works, but most of the time I just keep going, trying to find the ?perfect? place to visit and eventually have to give up as my head and stomach both say eat and eat now, unless my traveling companions have intervened earlier. Most of the time that means quik shop hot dogs, KFC or the aforementioned Denny?s.
So, to prepare future me for possible avenues when I come to a new town, or a town where I didn?t happen upon good luck, I started these lists. Now, the next time I return to Redding, I?ll be ready.
I saw the name, Bumpass Hell Trail, and immediately said yes because I?m turning 12. As a fan of geysers and geothermal activity because of my love for Yellowstone Park, a trail to explore the most prominent of those features in Lassen Volcanic National Park seems to be a swell idea as a way to start seeing a new national park. After that, maybe I?ll try to hike to Cold Boiling Lake, Bathtub Lake or Mount Harkness. They all sound kind of cool in the hip way, not the temperature way.
If instead of east of Redding, I go west, I?ll go hike in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and move my feet toward Boulder Creek Falls. Five and a half miles is a little more challenging than three miles of Bumpass (hee) and sitting and snacking by a waterfall in the middle of a hike always seems like a good idea. (Note to future self: bring snacks.)
On the way back from hiking, I?ll go visit Shasta State Historic Park. An old mining town, this now mostly deserted city still has some of the original brick buildings from its earliest days.
If my legs aren?t too tired, I?ll stand at home plate in my right-handed stance and try to launch balls over the Green Monster at Big League Dreams. If I was a lefty, I might choose to try to hit it over the short porch in a replica of Yankee Stadium. If I were a fancy lad, I?d probably choose the Wrigley Field replica.
After a full day like that, I?m going to need sustenance. When the time comes, I?ll just decide between Jack?s Bar and Grill and Moonstone Bistro. Can I go wrong with either steak or cornbread and beans with pan fried chicken and pancetta bacon gravy? No. No I can?t.
Any suggestions for things that I missed? Any additional recommendations for the area? Just let me know in the comments.
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."