The Only Style Rules that Matter
Fashion cycles are neverending. Some of us are on the cutting edge of them, while others couldn?t care less. Like it or not though, we will be judged on our appearance. It isn?t without good reason either; often, a person?s appearance will reflect their inner state. When I?m feeling good, I?m usually taking better care of myself and vice-versa. While fashions may come and go, I believe there are three crucial elements to looking good in the clothes you?re wearing that make all the difference no matter what situation you find yourself in.
Clothes make the man
This really is the most important thing, and you should have heard it enough by now. A $300 suit that?s been professionally tailored for you will always look better than a $3000 suit that hasn?t been. Keep them form-fitting without being tight..
Everyone has that shirt that he feels incredible in. Maybe you save it for special occasions or big dates, but it stands out from everything else in your wardrobe. Now, everything you wear should make you feel that way. Don?t try to fit into the latest fashion unless it makes you feel amazing when you look at yourself in the mirror. That?s the ideal you should be going for with everything you wear when you leave your home. I?ve definitely got bummy clothes, but I also may or may not own multiple of the same shirt for going out.
Some of us are rock stars, polished professionals, hippies, or nerds. More than likely though, you?re some combination of the above and everything else. Don?t try to be anything that you?re not, but rather wear clothes that express who you are proudly. I?m a simple guy, and my clothes reflect that. Who are you? And what are your clothes projecting about yourself?
Notice that all three of these three things can be accomplished on any budget and fit to any occasion. Of course the parameters will be different at a wedding versus a bar, for example, but these will still be the most important aspects regarding appearance in any situation. They?re simple, for sure – but easy to overlook or brush to the side. Take a few moments to prioritize this though, and you?ll see a noticeable difference in the way others react to you.
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About Nick Sparks Nick Sparks is a professional social and dating coach located in the New York area. His specialties include building genuine and lasting confidence, removing barriers of fear and self doubt in the face of women and social situations, and helping men gain self acceptance and power through unleashing of their sexuality. He's taught hundreds of clients to become genuinely confident, fearless and charming since 2008, and is known for his direct, highly sexual style of game Check out Sparks of Attraction.