Top Five Movies of Catherine Zeta-Jones
When I looked over the movies of Catherine Zeta-Jones, the first word that popped into my head was ?fun.? There is nothing wrong with serious movies that explore what it means to be human, how it feels when sorrow seeps into every aspect of your existence, and the pain and suffering we endure in everyday lives. When I see those kinds of movies done well, I leave the theater with a feeling of having seen something meaningful that will stick with me for a while. However, I have little interest of seeing those movies again.
That?s where fun movies come into play. Those movies that make you laugh, that take you on adventures and that make you think of how great going to the multiplex can be. Maybe that?s why they are easy to watch again, because they don?t stick with me enough that I remember every beat, funny line and action. I just remember the pleasant smile on my face as I emerged into the light of day or the artificial light of the lobby and looked forward to the next darkened moments. Here are five of Catherine?s movies that gave me that smile.
5. Entrapment
I believe this will be the only time I ever list a movie just because of its trailer because it was the first time I really remember paying attention to Catherine. The way that she avoided the laser alarm system in the trailer as she slithered, arched and stretched still stick in my imagination to this day.
4. Chicago
I discussed this a bit when I looked at HYPERLINK “” Lucy Liu, and it still goes, I really dig John C. Reilly. But, I will add on top of that, I really like Dominic West as well. First of all, he?s Fucking McNulty from ?The Wire.? (I swear by the way that most people refer to him in the show, that?s his first name.) That?s all that he really needs to have done, but I also found he does a great job in one of the latest series from the BBC, ?The Hour.? He was only in ?Chicago? for HYPERLINK “,88995/” 30 seconds, but a brilliant 30 seconds.
3. The Phantom
In the realms of underrated superhero films, I think the list boils down to three possibilities, ?The Rocketeer,? ?Darkman? and ?The Phantom? with Catherine, Kristy Swanson and the great Billy Zane, who helped Derek Zoolander with his walk-off. Are these three movies as deep as the Christopher Nolan Batman films? No, they are just fun romps with good vs. evil in cool locations, and sometimes that?s enough for my superhero movies.
2. High Fidelity
As a nice coincidence, I just started to re-read Nick Hornby?s ?High Fidelity.? (The first several chapters that I have just finished have great lessons in how not to approach relationships.) I?m sure I?ll check out the movie again right after finishing the book and then I?ll be mad at myself for watching it so soon after I finished the book so that I can?t just enjoy this fun movie as a fun movie.
1. Intolerable Cruelty
Picking a favorite Coen brothers movie is like picking a favorite pie. If it is around Thanksgiving, maybe I?ll side with pecan and ?Fargo.? If it is the bright skies of summer, maybe it will be banana cream and ?The Big Lebowski.? If it is fall, maybe I?ll go with apple and ?No Country for Old Men.? However, the most underrated movie will always be their fantastic look at the romantic comedy, ?Intolerable Cruelty.? Having leads like Catherine and George Clooney certainly helps, but just like most of their movies, even the comparatively worst examples, you can see how much they love the each genre they explore.
Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Catherine Zeta-Jones top five?
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."