5 Simple Tips to Save a Few Hundred Dollars This Year
Everyone likes having more money around. I mean c?mon. More money means more freedom, less worry, more security, greater comfort, etc.
Regardless of whether you?re a hobo, a stripper, or a CEO, you probably wouldn?t mind having some extra money lying around.
Learn to save
Most people agree with this, but most people don?t take small steps to save extra money.
Admittedly, being frugal sounds pretty lame. Our culture encourages us to ?blow money, throw money?, rather than to save and invest wisely.
However, being frugal isn?t as difficult or nasty as it sounds, and after a while, it starts to pay off. You become financially secure and don?t have to worry about how the bills are getting paid.
Here are 5 simple tips to start saving more money.
Set up a weekly automatic transfer from your checking to your savings account. I have one set up to transfer $20 every week.
I realized that I always have an extra $20 or so after the month?s expenses were paid off, so I decided to start saving it up, without any hassle. It adds up quickly.
Okay, I know. This shit ain?t easy. Especially when you see those new boots that are just oh so totally fetch and would so compliment your plaid scarf.
But seriously, before you purchase, research the product and ask yourself whether or not you really need this, or whether you?re just buying it to make yourself feel good for 5 minutes.
These are small things that all of our parents preached to us while growing up, but I doubt many of you have ever felt they were too important.
Truth is, if you turn off lights, use less water, and keep the thermostat set a couple degrees lower, you?ll save as much as a few hundred dollars this year. I don?t know about you, but I can use the extra cash.
Yes, I realize that your weekend routine involves approximately 7 late-night calls to Jimmy Johns. Mine kind of does too.
Still, even if you can get in the routine of cooking for yourself a few times a week, you?ll save a boatload on food expenses.
It?s not breaking news that gas prices are breaking the bank for a lot of folks out there. Seriously, consider that you?re paying several dollars for every 20-30 minutes of driving time.
Invest in a bike, and ride it to destinations that are within reason. You?ll save plenty from all the gas you won?t be burning, plus you?ll get the added bonuses of exercise and fresh air.
Hopefully this list has given you a few ideas for how to not be a pockets-filled-with-lint broke-ass.
While these few things will be helpful if you implement them, I want more than anything to get you thinking about other ways you can tighten up your monthly spending.
Little cuts here and there seriously add up, so make an honest effort and see where it goes. You may just find that you?ve got an extra couple thousand dollars by next year to take that long-dreamt-of trip to Europe.
So stop thinking like a spendthrift, and start thinking like a penny-pincher. You can do this.
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About Gregory Arnold Gregory is a writer, difference maker, and personal growth enthusiast. He believes that by improving ourselves, we find true happiness and improve the world in the process.