8 Best Bachelor Cities In The World
Mark Manson is the author of Escape Plan: Ditch the Rat Race and Discovery the World. He?s offering to give away one international trip to one of his readers. Learn more here.
As a young single guy, I?ve had the fortune to be able to travel to almost 50 countries in the past four years. Over that time I have partied in the world?s greatest cities as well as some lesser-known wonders. Some of them were great. Others were overrated.
In 2010, I visited a female friend living and working in Hong Kong. She?s smart, pretty, by all means a good catch by any American standard.
But she spent the entire weekend complaining about the dating situation in Hong Kong. As she put it, basically the western men have the best of both worlds: they have all of the western women living abroad there AND they have the local Chinese women. Since the Western women aren?t apt to date the Chinese men, it skews the dating pool greatly.
As she put it, all of the men have too many options and too few commitments. Bad for her. Great for us.
What bachelor list isn?t complete without Las Vegas? It?s certainly not the most savory of locations. And by no means are you liable to meet your next wife there ? err, unless you drink too much and end up in a drive-thru chapel.
But Vegas is a perpetual goldmine for any young player: a revolving door of hot, young girls on vacation and ready to party. It?s endless. And it?s always no strings attached.
This isn?t even to mention the population of dancers, cocktail waitresses, strippers, and failed Hollywood actresses living there (i.e., single mother capital of the world). Cash in, have a good time, and then cash out and go home.
Imagine a country with 7 women for every man, and such a under-supply of educated, non-alcoholic men that many of the women are willingly turning to polygamy to get their needs met. Now imagine this country has some of the most beautiful women in the world, parties hard, and has an exceeding amount of respect for Western culture?
Then you?d have Russia.
The sexual demographics are so severe in Russia that it?s becoming a political problem ? there?s a REASON women get on the internet offering to marry anonymous men overseas. They?re desperate.
St. Petersburg is the most European of Russian cities. It?s cosmopolitan, progressive and doesn?t overwhelm you.
The secret is out on this place. Home of the infamous Pablo Escobar in the 80?s and 90?s, with the cartels gone, Medellin enjoys a surplus of beautiful women without rich druglord boyfriends to date.
Medellin hosts Colombia?s fashion industry, its best university and the famously friendly Colombian culture. It?s hard to go wrong here. Just make sure you know some Spanish.
Expensive, posh, but you get the best of all worlds. Singapore is a hub for some of the most successful and glamorous Asians and Europeans. You run into a similar effect as Hong Kong, in that as a man, you have the pick of both Asian women and European.
But Singapore is more westernized, more educated and has more English speakers. It also has a lot of fashion models visiting it (who inevitably sit around bored because of the skewed sex ratio). If you?ve got the bank account, Singapore can be fruitful.
Has to be here. Aside from having possibly the largest fashion and showbiz industries in the world, New York has educated and sexy women from every part of the world. Manhattan itself famously has more women than men (by a 3-to-1 margin in some neighborhoods), and of course, you get the famous to-the-point New York attitude and liberalism towards sex.
Not to mention the Big Apple hosts some of the best and most varied nightlife in the world, it?s a single man?s playground.
How would you like to visit a country with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, where you can live on $20 a day and all of the women speak English, are sexually liberated and absolutely crazy about foreigners?
Yes, that would be the Philippines, an oft-overlooked part of Asia. I?ll just say some of the stories that come out of this country are truly jaw-dropping, even for me ? and I?ve been around and back a few times. I?m talking about a girl who Filipina who got a tattoo of a guy?s face on her arm the same night she met him. Or a Filipina?s mother stopping a guy in the mall to ask him to take her home with him. Yeah, crazy.
My fetish for Brazil simply cannot be topped. The place lives up to the hype: beautiful beaches; even more beautiful women; and possibly the friendliest and most fun people on the planet.
And of course, Rio is its crown jewel, in my opinion the most beautiful city on the planet, sporting perfect beaches crowded with tanned women in bikinis and thongs year-round. There?s samba in the streets and Carnaval every February. It just doesn?t get better.
Here is another article related to the subject:?https://www.tsbmag.com/2010/11/30/10-best-us-cities-to-pick-up-girls/
Mark is a perpetual traveler and entrepreneur. He blogs at Postmasculine.com. He is the author of Escape Plan: Ditch the Rat Race and Discover the World.
About Mark Manson Mark Manson is a writer and dating coach from Boston. He spends most of his time abroad visiting exotic places and fornicating with exotic women. He's also the creator of the acclaimed Mark Manson website.