Picking The Right Girl To Approach – 7 Ways To Tell If She’s Worth It
A very big and often overlooked part of ?the game? is picking the right prospects. Any game newbie can approach 15 girls in one night but such mindless actions will probably get him thinking that LUCK is the factor behind getting laid as sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn?t.
Well, I?m here to tell you that LUCK has nothing to do with how often you get laid. It?s your game and your ability to approach a girl that is actually at the venue looking to meet guys. Think of it this way, if you?re working as a sales guy, who would you call? Would you rather cold call random people or would you rather call the ones that have signed up for your site, looking for some extra information? Exactly!
If you actually want to give your game a chance, make sure you approach the right chicks. There are loads of game haters out there that just say this stuff doesn?t work because they randomly approach, uber antisocial chicks that no true game player would have ever touched. This article is here to show you 7 ways to tell if the chick you?re about to approach is ready to get banged.
Know that these are not RULES but they will DRAMATICALLY increase your chances of scoring. They will help you make good use of your time, instead of wasting it and that?s why they?re worth considering the next time you go out.
She the one?
I want to start this one off with the importance of groups and first we need to look at why anything over 3 is problematic. Usually, when larger groups go out, they have this sort of group mentality (think of you and your friends here) ? it?s the same for girls. If a random, not part of the group guy, starts to talk to any particular chick, the whole group dynamic is somewhat broken. As such, she feels this duty to ?stay true? to the group and will either shut you down, or let members of the group cockblock you.
Ideal ?group? scenario would be one lonely chick. I?ve left this in group category because these days, this is something so rare that?s not even worth hoping for ? one might even say something?s wrong with the chick if she?s out alone but, nevertheless this is the ideal scenario.
Groups of 3 are my favorite. I?ve actually spoken to girls I?ve banged about this and they often said it?s like an unwritten rule girls have when going out as 3. If one of them ?get?s lucky? the other two can keep themselves company. This is incredibly true and your approach to such a group has a high probability of success and an even lower probability of getting cockblocked.
Groups of 2 are another favorable candidate, not as good as 3 but if you can find any random dude to keep the other girl company, you should be good. Just make sure that?
This is incredibly powerful. If you see a girl holding hands with the other, don?t do the approach. She?s in ?out with her? mode – basically she will not give up her girlfriend and never (tonight at least) allow herself be isolated. If you do the approach while they?re holding hands it?s going to be an almost guaranteed bust. You need to see if it?.
Approachable girls want to get approached by guys and will quickly disregard their friends as soon as a promising prospect comes along. These girls usually stop talking to their friends to briefly look around the room (same as you are doing). If any potential chick seems completely into what their friends are saying and is totally disregarding everyone else in the venue, it?s a good chance that it?s not going to work.
This may sound strange but the slower and LESS she moves the better. Girls that are hyper and are moving around all over the place won?t have the attention span needed for your game to work. You need to have a somewhat meaningful conversation with her and that?s not going to happen if she?s hyper.
This is incredibly useful. Many girls like to make eye contact just so they can shut you down when you finally get the courage to talk to them. Look very closely at their facial expressions. A receptive girl will soften her facial expressions, curling her lips, lifting her cheeks (starting a smile). If you see that, it?s good to go, but if you don?t, yet she still makes eye contact with you, she?s probably just looking for attention.
If you go out, you?ve probably notice that everywhere you go there?s at least 1 girl that seems to know all the bouncers, all the bartenders, kisses them, talks to the manager etc. Well, if she thinks that she ?owns? the place it also means that she thinks she?s a celebrity in that particular venue. Unfortunately, her own perceived status is more than enough to tell me that this girl isn?t worth approaching because she will also perceive me, as the ?nobody? guy that just drinks at the bar, thus having no status. I?m mentioning this because girls like this seem to grab a lot of attention and you might want to approach her during the night.
And now for the final?
Undoubtedly this will almost always give you an edge but you probably knew that already so I?m going to tell you how to take the really sober girls out of the equation. If you see a girl that?s on the dance floor for what seems like forever, then she?s probably sober.
Although my very last conquest was a completely sober chick that was drinking water the whole night (no, not on drugs either) ? I can still, very confidently say that sober chicks are the least open to meeting new people.
Think about you here, isn?t it easier to approach a chick after you?ve had a couple of beers? Well it?s the same for women. Alcohol helps you lose your inhibitions thus becoming more open to social encounters. I?m not telling you to go for wasted looking girls, as I find that disgusting, but if she has been drinking, it?s going to be a lot easier to game her. Pay close attention to their pattern dance ? bar ? dance ? bar ? dance and so on, she?s clearly drinking and dancing thus having fun and being more approachable.
Knowing how to weed out potentially unapproachable girls is a key factor in your game?s success. These days it takes me less than 5 approaches before something happens because I have this skill.
Know this as a fact – anywhere you go, at least 10% of girls will tick all these boxes and will present you with an opportunity to approach. Make the right moves, don?t waste your time and you?ll succeed much more often than you think.
This is the sort of stuff I discuss on my blog and in the free eBook I give out. If you want to increase your success with women, visit ThePlayerGuide.com ? a place where the dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and fruitful methods of meeting and seducing women.
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About Alex Matlock Alex Matlock is an expert in dating and woman psychology. Apart from working on his PHD in Social Psychology and writing for TSBmag he also owns ThePlayerGuide - a place where the "dating" mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct (and fruitful) methods of meeting and seducing women.