5 Comforting Thoughts to Remember After Heartbreak
Break-ups are among the most painful experiences we can have in this life. If you?re on the losing end, and you truly loved your partner, it feels like your soul has been ripped out of your chest.
It feels like your flame has been reduced to embers, all but stomped out. You feel as if the pain and memories will erode you like sandstone in time and destroy you. You feel like a bottle at sea, empty and aimless.
How to get over it
If you?ve been there, you know what I mean. If you?re going through this right now, my heart goes out to you. I experienced crushing heartbreak two days ago, and I feel so lost right now. I thought she and I would be together forever.
However, it isn?t productive to wonder why or blame yourself or wish things could be different. The sooner you begin to accept, the sooner things can improve. These thoughts may not be much consolation right now, but this is how you need to try to think.
As much as they might have seemed perfect. As much as you thought they were the one. If they ended it, they had good reason to do so. It isn?t fair. It?s cruel, and it doesn?t make sense right now, but you?ve got to believe that if it were meant to be, it would?ve worked out.
This is important. Whether or not you?re a believer in God, you?ve got to have faith right now. Have faith that you?ll meet someone else you can?t even imagine right now. Someone you don?t even know exists who is amazingly compatible with you. Someone you can and will love with all your heart.
With wounds that cut us this deeply, only time can begin to lessen the burning wounds. Take things one day at a time. It?s best to try to get back into something similar to your regular routine, rather than moping around the house. The first few days will be the hardest. You can do it. You?re strong enough.
Dr. Seuss famously quoted, ?Don?t cry because it?s over. Smile because it happened.? This is really true. It?s all a matter of perspective. The sooner you can stop being disappointed and miserable because it?s over, the sooner you can be thankful for the great times, the laughter, and how wonderful they made you feel.
You may not give a shit about this one, but it?s something to keep in mind. Very few people end up staying together forever with their first love. Some of the people you know who are in thriving, happy relationships probably had their heart broken in the past. Others have been there. Reach out and talk to your loved ones. Everyone can relate and empathize.
The key is to not give up on love. Love can be an ugly bitch. She can beat you down, burn you, and leave you shriveled and broken. But if you give up on her, you shut yourself off to a side of life that can be the most exciting and rewarding.
So, even if it sounds clich?, don?t stop believing. Believe that things will get better, and believe that you deserve someone to love who loves you. They?re waiting out there, and you will find them. We will find them. I know it.
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About Gregory Arnold Gregory is a writer, difference maker, and personal growth enthusiast. He believes that by improving ourselves, we find true happiness and improve the world in the process.