Must-Read: Why Get Your Flu Shot
If stats are to be believed, that someone, someone very close to you, may be your biggest enemy this fall. They will cause you to curl up on the couch with a temperature of 100 or so, puke like crazy, have all sorts of aches and pains, and generally just keep you from having a good time for at least a week. Someone is going to try to get you sick. It may be a coworker, or a family member, or just a stranger who is coughing on the train or at the club. But are you going to be ready for it when it comes?
Luckily, there’s a way to ward off getting the flu: Get a goddamn flu shot! But, for some reason, most people don’t even bother with one anymore just because they’re lazy and don’t think that they’ll be the ones getting sick. Well, if you needed even more reasons, then there’s this blog post over at Men’s Fitnessthat goes through three of the reasons to get your flu shot now before it’s too late. For example, here’s one of the key points they want to make in case you’re thinking about just forgetting about it this time around:
This year could be a harsh one. Yes, last flu season was mild. And while there?s no way to predict exactly what strains will rear their ugly little heads this year, the new vaccine does contain protection against a flu from the particularly harsh H3N2 family?which has been circulating elsewhere in the world.
Another two reasons await for you at the blog post, but isn’t that enough? Don’t you not want to get the creepily-sounding H3N2 family in your system? Doesn’t it suck to spend a whole week just sitting around the house as your body heals? So head on out there and get your fly shot, folks.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.