Must-Read: Worst Jeopardy Answers of All Time
We are big fans of Jeopardy around here. We DVR all of the episodes, and so every so often we’ll just sit down in front of our TV, blast through about 6-7 episodes of them in high-speed, and see how smart we can make ourselves feel. (Spoiler: It’s not really all that smart, seeing as though we generally end up in the negative of money, if you count wrong answers and what-not.) But still, we love the show. It’s the most perfect show on TV, untouchable, and we certainly hope that whenever Alex Trebek ends his reign that they will simply find a new host to take over.
Which is all a long way of bringing about the following link. It’s not like our normal Daily Buzzes, in that it isn’t really going to help you do anything. But it is going to bring you slowly into the weekend vibe by linking to this article over at Maxim were they go through the worst possible answers that have ever been a part of a Jeopardy broadcast. They are, as you’d think, amazing. Like this one:
Jeopardy! warrior Ken Jennings didn?t have many slip-ups in his looong 72-episode run, but this one was so shocking that it?s almost as famous as his impressive achievement. Sure, practically everyone who watched it probably thought it was the answer before it flew out of Jennings? mouth, but hearing it come from the bookish Mormon is like hearing Richard Simmons ask for the stripper with the biggest ?badonkadonk?.
Wrong Answers That Would Have Been More Humiliating/Hilarious: ?What is a belt stripper?? / ?What is a tool box
Head on over and check out the rest of them. Enjoy!
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.