When She Cancels Plans
She seems super keen and you?ve secured a date, but then she cancels on you the night before. You?re bound to be confused, but it?s not hard to interpret the meaning behind her actions.
What to do when she breaks the plans
She was interested in you before, and there?s no reason that you know of for her to suddenly go cold. Chances are, it?s nothing personal- she?s just flaky.
You know the type- always happy to commit to something, but will never follow through with plans as something comes up at the last minute. She will profusely apologise and explain how the mix-up happened, but that won?t stop her from doing it again.
Her being unable to keep plans is nothing to do with you. She either forgot that she already had plans, or forgot about her date with you and double-booked herself. People like this are annoying, but if you decide she is worth the annoyance, there is one simple way to avoid this happening: stay in contact with her. If you plan to see her in a week, keep contacting her leading up to the date so she can?t possibly forget about it. This doesn?t have to be excessive, just text her or give her a quick call once or twice.
The first time she cancels on you, you can give her the benefit of the doubt. Mistakes happen and sometimes excuses are legitimate. There?s no reason to make a huge drama out of the situation. But after she?s cancelled on you, leave it up to her to reschedule. This way you can see if she is keen enough on you to make the effort, and show her that you are not going to be walked all over.
You can also make a joke of it when she does reschedule with you. By saying something like ?you better not forget about me this time!?, you?re showing her that you?re laidback about the situation, but won?t be impressed if it happens again.
You?ve gotten as far as scheduling plans with her, so unless she is exceptionally bad at saying no, chances are she is interested in you. But there is the possibility that she has changed her mind- maybe she?s heard something about you, maybe she?s found someone else, maybe she decided that you?re not as attractive as she first thought. Whatever the reason, you should be able to tell that it?s a rejection. She will apologise, but she won?t offer to reschedule. She probably won?t give you an explanation about why she has to cancel. Following that, she will not contact you again.
In general, don?t be too worried about cancelled plans. Most of the time, it?s not because she?s not interested. If she wasn?t interested, she never would have made plans with you in the first place. However, don?t let her cancel on you multiple times- once is understandable, but any more than that and she is being inconsiderate of your time.
About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: http://mensstyleandfashion.com/