Must-Read: How to Relax
Vital stuff
In this day and age of go-go-go, and make-money-make-money-make-money, and pick up girls, etc., it’s nearly impossible to relax. Sure, you may have a few minutes to nap here and there, and maybe you’re one of those crazy people that can somehow get their sleep on a train or just need 4 hours at night in order to function as a full adult. But the most of us have a difficult time with that kind of sleep pattern. And even then, it’s really just about recharging the batteries after a stressful day/month/year at work. It’s not about, you know, actually being awake and unplugged from our various phones and computers and other electronic doo-hickies to take in some sights and just … relax.
So today, we’re going to hear on over to, who are asking themselves the vital question of just how do you relax these days? Among their four steps of advice include this great one:
Commit to relaxation
The first of the four steps to complete relaxation is probably the most important. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes with a single, specific purpose in mind: to relax. Once you?ve done it and felt the benefits, this commitment becomes easier and easier to make.You might feel a tendency toward cutting this relaxation time short, and while this is expected early on, ask yourself: Where?s the purpose in that? This exercise relates directly to your personal health and happiness — something you should never cut short.
So, whether you?re in the office, on the bus or at home, get yourself into a comfortable position. Naturally, you have more liberty at home to loosen any tight-fitting clothing and be more comfortable, but the demands in life don?t always allow for this. Thus, cater your position to the locale and really let yourself go for that period of time. It doesn’t take long; it just takes commitment and the desire to better yourself and your life.
That’s step one. Head on over and see the other three, and then learn how to fully relax and be present in the moment.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.