Becoming a Bar Scene Expert: Part 3
Check out Part One and Part Two.
Be a bar star
The best part about learning to become successful in the bar scene is when it all comes together and you bring a 5?6? curvy blonde back to your apartment, launch her on your bed, and do wild, amazing, awesome things with her the rest of the night. It?s likely the reason you?re reading this right now.
Guys need to realize that the most important thing when it comes to bringing a girl home with you is getting her to feel comfortable with you. Just because she?s attracted to you and you?ve established a connection doesn?t mean that she feels comfortable enough to have sex with you. Sex is a huge deal to women and they want to make sure they have a guys trust before becoming intimate with them. Getting a girl to feel comfortable enough to come home with you is the last hurdle before becoming intimate with her.
The first step towards gaining her trust is simply being a gentleman. Hold doors open, pick up the bill if it?s the first date, open the car door when you?re headed somewhere. It?s easy to do and women eat it up.
In order to really trust someone enough to sleep with them, a girl wants to know they can relate to a guy. In a way she wants to know that he isn?t perfect, and has genuine qualities. Doesn?t make any sense right? Its okay, chicks don?t make sense.
So after you?ve kissed the girl a few times and the night is winding down, look for an opportunity to relate to her and share a story about yourself that?ll show the real you, and prove to her that you aren?t just some seducer that?s trying to get in her pants. It can be something corky like an embarrassing story or something that you don?t tell many people, maybe the fact that you?ve been on your own since you were 15. I?m just giving examples. Use something from your own life as there?s no need to tell a lie when you?re trying to be genuine.
Once you get to your place it?s a good time to evaluate the situation. Are you all over each other and going to go straight to the bed or are you going to crack open a few beers, throw a movie on and chill on the couch for a few minutes before getting into it? Again focuses on comfort. You?ve gone too far to blow it.
If for some weird reason you have yet to kiss her before you got to your house, kiss her ASAP.? The second she walks through your door you should pull her over to you, thank her for coming over and plop one on her.
No matter what?s going on, make sure you?re having a good time. You?ve waited the entire night and possibly longer to get her back to your place, so enjoy it!
Learn more From Alex, Check out ?Dominating the Bar Scene?: An All Encompassing Guide to Meeting Beautiful Women at Bars
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Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About Alex Anthony Alex Anthony treats life like it’s one big party, and that’s clear the second you take a look at his blog His stories might not be the best thing to read when you’re in a quiet library because you’re bound to burst out laughing, but when you take a look at his advice column you realize this guy knows what he’s talking about…