Become a Bar Scene Expert: Part 1 of 3
Figure it out
The first step towards becoming a master of the bar scene is learning how to correctly draw attention to yourself and attract women. And the great thing about bars is that there no where near as much social profiling as there is in nightclubs. We don?t have to worry about wasting our money on bottle service or a few dozen tequila shots just to show we are having a good time. We can sit back, joke around, and sip on our beers while subtlety portraying confidence.
We want attention, but the good kind of attention. It?s the type of attention that causes the girl to ponder. Hmm. Who is this guy? I really hope he talks to me.
Girls are always aware of their surroundings and pay close attention to the smallest details. I was in the bar the other day eavesdropping on a conversation when this one girl said to her friend, ?That guy looks so laid back. Look at his hair and his t-shirt. I bet you he smokes mad weed.? The fact that she was staring at some guy so meticulously without knowing a single thing about him might be insane, but it?s the way it is.
That?s why you need to take a look at yourself and make sure you have a look that is suitable to the majority of women. You don?t want to eliminate your chances before you even begin talking to the girl by wearing some outrageous neon shirt with spiked hair and eyeliner. You want to have that look that attracts all women– a dark pair of jeans or slacks with a nice dress shirt, perhaps a nice pair of dress shoes to finish it off. Sophisticated is sexy to women.
It?s no surprise that one of the best times to talk to a girl when your at the bar is when your about to order a drink. Bars are typically understaffed, and people hover around the serving area trying to catch the bartender?s attention. It?s the perfect time to make a move and hook a girl.
Spot the chick that you?ve been eyeing down and casually say, ?I bet that I can order a drink faster than you,? maybe even offering to pay for the round if she manages to beat you. She?ll be enticed by the game, and after you quickly catch the Bartenders attention by looking at them directly in the face and waving your hand to signal you?re ready to order a drink, the girl will quickly realize that you?re a guy that takes control. After you?re done basking in your victory, smile and introduce yourself with a firm handshake because in all likelihood she?s attracted to you, and you?re one step closer to having a great night.
* There?s no need to fear approach anxiety when you openers are this smooth?
Every single piece of advice I give on attracting women- from expert openers, to playing the eye contact game- is geared to stimulate their curiosity because curiosity drives attraction. Curious thoughts like I wonder where he?s from, and I wonder if he?s an asshole, are always followed by thoughts like I wonder if he?s single, I wonder if he?s going to ask me to hang out again, and finally I wonder if he?s going to kiss me.
Be sure to check out the highly anticipated book Dominating the Bar Scene: An All-Encompassing Guide to Becoming an Expert at Meeting Women at Bars for specific release information?
About Alex Anthony Alex Anthony treats life like it’s one big party, and that’s clear the second you take a look at his blog His stories might not be the best thing to read when you’re in a quiet library because you’re bound to burst out laughing, but when you take a look at his advice column you realize this guy knows what he’s talking about…